Chapter 21: Rehearsal Dinner

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Having been matching humans for centuries, I'm not a stranger to rehearsal dinners, but this is the first time I'm attending one in person

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Having been matching humans for centuries, I'm not a stranger to rehearsal dinners, but this is the first time I'm attending one in person. With a date. It's been both great fun and a little awkward, so far. We're at the tail end of it now, and everyone is a little buzzed; jacked up on booze and endorphins. Penelope, as the maid of honor, is flitting between her friend and the other bridesmaids like a tipsy butterfly.

Trevor, being the best man, is obviously in attendance as well. We had a brief, somewhat stilted, conversation when we first arrived. I know he and Penelope have worked everything out, which is exactly what I needed them to do, but there's still a part of me that loathes him for kissing her like that. I try to convince myself I wouldn't have despised him had he kissed her in a better situation, not liking the implications if I don't want him kissing her full stop.

They have become good friends lately, and I should be ecstatic. But I'm not. Not even close.

The past week with Penelope has been incredible. I can't remember a time I enjoyed just hanging out with another person. There's always been another match to make. Or, in the past decade, another failed attempt at matching Penelope and Trevor. Now that I'm poised to do it—finally—I'm hesitating. Is he really the best match for her? I have to believe he is. At their percentage, it's impossible that he's not.

Once you're matched, if your percentage is high enough, you simply cannot resist the other person. Normally this happens in both, but in this case, it's only happened for Trevor. As evidenced by his ill-advised ambush in the hallway, trying to kiss her. Realistically, she should be affected too; I can only assume she is being blocked by my presence. The allure of a Cupid's aura is nearly irresistible to most humans. I'm still amazed Andris did not affect her. Most women literally fall over their feet to be with him, and not only humans.

Penelope is nothing like my usual matches. She's definitely the piece of the puzzle that doesn't quite fit into this picture. I like to blame Steve—who doesn't?—but I'm coming to understand that every failure on my part has in fact been because Penelope's match with Trevor won't trigger. Now that they're good friends, I can only hope it will once I'm gone, and she's away from my influence. If not, I'm getting those horns. But, I honestly don't think there's anything else I could do now. This is my last chance.

Someone has put on music, and some couples are dancing. Penelope abandons her friend and comes over to me.

"I'm sorry for leaving you on your own," she says, her eyes glittering and her cheeks pink from heat and exertion, and probably alcohol. "I know you don't know anyone here."

"No problem." I smile. "I've been people-watching."

"Ooh!" She sits down next to me by the table, her eyes scanning the crowd. "Tell me what you're thinking and I can tell you if you're correct."

I chuckle. "I'm not sure that's a great idea. What if I'm really wrong and offend someone?"

"I promise I won't tell!" She nods towards a middle-aged man with a large mustache. "What about him?"

Cupids can't read minds, but we're pretty good at reading people. We have to be in this profession. I watch the man for a moment, trying to discern as much as I can about him. "He's divorced. Probably worked too much. Children lives with his ex-wife most of the time. Probably golfs wearing those ugly trousers and a hat."

Penelope laughs. I love the sound of her laugh. "You're so good at this! That's Amy's uncle George, and you're pretty spot on. Let's do another one!"

Her excitement makes me smile, and I give her fairly good assessments of another three people before I refuse to do anymore. When she protests, I take her hand and lead her out onto the dance floor. A slow song is playing, and I take her in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder. I wish I could stay in this moment forever.

Earlier, I watched as she talked to Trevor and laughed at one of his jokes. He's definitely into her. Even an idiot could see that, but she sees him only as a friend. Their friendship might be the thing that's been missing in my previous attempts. This is as close as I can get them while I'm still here, distracting her from her true match. If it doesn't work this time, I don't think it ever will. Everything is set up to have her run into Trevor's waiting arms.

All I have to do is leave her and break her heart.

There's only one problem.

I don't want to.

I don't want to

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