Chapter 33: Protective

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"You took off last night," Benji says.

I nod, not looking him in the eye. "Yeah, I did. I couldn't... I couldn't be there any longer."

"So you saw?" He asks, and I assume he's referring to his kiss with Natalie.

"I saw," I tell him. "Though I wish I hadn't."

He sighs, sitting down on the end of my bed. "I am so sorry, B. I had no idea she was going to kiss me. I was so... so fucking drunk. I pushed her off as soon as I could."

I stare at him, not knowing what how to respond. "I believe you," I mumble. "I just hate that it happened. I hate her."

"I do, too," he admits. "She had no right to do that."

I shrug. "She kind of did, though. She thinks you two are dating. In her mind, she just kissed her boyfriend. It's not a crime."

"I-I want to break up with her, B. It's just a little more complicated than you think."

I laugh a bit. "I don't know if I can do this anymore, Benji. I'm so tired of being your stupid little secret. And more importantly, I hate that you have another girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend," he promises. "Not really. You are."

"Am I?" I ask. "Cause I don't know really know that anymore."

"It's like..." I pause to deep breathe. "It's like moving in together has ruined everything."

"That's not true," he disagrees "It's the complete opposite. Moving in together was the best decision of my life. I finally feel like my life is going in the right direction—because of you."

"Well, I'm glad moving in together has been good for you, but it hasn't been good for me. I'm stressed all the time and I've lost all of my friends. Life is really shitty for me right now, you know?" I rant.

"I know things have been hard, B—I know. But I'm trying, okay? Everyday, I wake up and think about how I can make you happy. And you haven't lost all your friends. What are you talking about? You still have Hellen."

I laugh. "Hellen hates me."

"She doesn't," he says. "I think she cares about you more than you think."

"Oh, yeah? What makes you say that?"

"She... uh." He stops. "She picked me up yesterday from the party," he informs me, and my jaw drops a bit. "And you know why she said she did it—even though she hates my guts? Because she cares about you... and she knows I'm important to you."

I take a deep breath, feeling both relieved and surprised. I can't believe Hellen would put aside her mysterious vendetta for Benji and help him out.

"I can't believe it," I say. "Did she really?"

He nods, a smile across his face. "Yeah," he says. "You've got yourself a good friend."

I can't help but smile. I've been feeling awful knowing I've lost her, but this is a glimmer of hope. "We'll talk about this more later," I say. "What else did you come here to say to me?"

He sighs. "I just need to apologize, B," he says. "I know I've been putting you through hell here. I know Natalie has been driving you mad and I'm so sorry. I also acknowledge that just because we had one good date it doesn't mean we have a good relationship. Someone really great taught me that a relationship requires constant reassurance and attention. I'm going to try to be better from now on, okay?"

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