Chapter 55: Bad Distractions

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I have never been good at confrontation.

More so, I have never been good at communication. The thought of being honest with someone and sharing my thoughts has always felt so personal, and so real — which is why I'm not surprised Brandy and I have fought so many times. She expects me to just know how to open up and deal with real feelings when I've never known honesty. I'm just starting to learn how to and it's difficult for me to communicate with her.

Quite frankly, I have no clue why Brandy and I are even fighting. I hate to sound like an ass, but I think it's coming from her side. My side of the story is simple: My parents asked me to move back home and I agreed. I didn't expect her to blow it out of proportion and turn it into something that it's not.

Over the last week, I've been trying really hard to understand her point of view. I keep asking myself, "Why is she so angry?" Did I say something that hurt her feelings? Is there something else going on that I'm not aware of? I act like I know a lot about women but in truth, I am completely clueless when it comes to it.

We haven't spoken since the fight. I called her over and over again but she doesn't answer. I even went by the apartment but she is never home. Her stuff is still there but she never is. She wasn't in class all week, which is unusual for Brandy considering how much she loves school. It has to be because of me.

The only person I've been talking to lately is Shawn. Recently, he's been lots of help, to my surprise. I've always taken Shawn as a bit of an airhead, a dumb frat boy, but he seems to have layers. He can actually be smart and full of wisdom.

"She still hasn't called you back?" Shawn asks as he notices me checking my phone.

I shake my head before flipping my phone closer. "Not once."

"Are you sure you didn't leave out any details?" He makes sure. "Because I'm not sure why she's so upset. All you did was what was asked of you."

I sigh. "Maybe that was the problem? Could that be?"

He shrugs. "But to have a complete meltdown and avoid you for a whole week? There has to be something else going on."

"I would ask but you know how that goes. If she would take my calls." I shrug. "I hate fighting with her, it stresses me out. I've hardly slept all week and I'm not paying attention in class."

He chuckles. "Damn, you're down bad," he says. "What kind of sexual power does this girl have over you?" He laughs.

"I can't think about anything else. It's driving me mad," I admit.

"Do you know what you need?" He asks. "You need a good distraction. You guys are broken up, right? You need to make her jealous."

I scoff. "You're kidding," I hope. I take it back, Shawn is not wise... at all. Or smart.

He shakes his head. "I'm telling you, man, this is the right thing to do. "What about uh, Natalie Turner? Are you still in touch?"

"You know that I know you like her," I say. "It's so obvious."

"That's besides the point," he mumbles. "I'm so confused with you, Starboy. One minute you're with Brandy, and the next you're with Natalie. Which girl do you even like?"

"Brandy," I say, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I don't blame Shawn for being confused, I haven't told him about my arrangement with Natalie — I haven't told anyone.

"You're Starboy," he reminds me. "Find a date and come to my party this weekend. It's at my apartment and it's just going to be a couple of people. Ten, maybe."

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