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Author: Samuel Frederick



I avoided Boma for the rest of the week and focused more on my studies, especially after what my father told me concerning his dream. I became very cautious ever since then.

Even though we both had frequent chats on WhatsApp, I still ensured that I didn't take too much of his calls nor give him any reason to get intimate with me.

I also avoided going to the cafeteria to meet the others as usual. I purposely isolated myself from everyone.

However, on this boring Friday afternoon-after we had concluded our papers for the day, actually-I was busy preparing lunch in the kitchen when Mimi suddenly barged in from nowhere, panting.

"Have you heard?" She asked excitedly.

"Heard about what?"

"So you haven't heard about the latest gist in town, for real?"

"Mimi, if you have anything to say, I'll suggest you just go ahead and say it now, 'cause I'm not really in the mood for silly games, as you can see."

"Like seriously, you really haven't heard about it?" She persisted, ignoring my obvious lack of enthusiasm in her melodrama.

"Heard about what exactly? Stop pestering me, please!"

"Today is Jovita's birthday!" Mimi screamed with sheer vigour, almost crashing the walls of our compact kitchen with her ridiculously high-pitched voice. "And she's throwing a party! Yay!!!"

"For real?"

"Yeah." Mimi affirmed with a vibrant smile plastered on her face. "She even gave me two invitation cards specially designed for us. Here's yours!"

She handed me the envelope containing the card. I scrutinized it and saw my name boldly written on it, alongside Jovita's signature.

"What does she need all this for?" I asked with my eyes on the card. "I mean, this is way too fancy for a birthday."

"Honestly? I don't know. But there's going to be heavy security at the venue, that's for sure. She's obviously just taking caution, just in case anything goes against her plans." Mimi explained clearly. "Can't blame the rich kid."

I shook my head, removed the pot from the stove, turned off the stove and dished our meals accordingly. Mimi refused to eat the meal, saying that she'd rather take her lunch, dinner and if possible, her breakfast as well at the birthday party. I didn't argue with her. I just laughed.

Later in the day, after I had taken a well-deserved nap, I woke up to see Mimi all dressed up already. She was applying make-up and simultaneously wearing her earrings. From her lipstick to her necklace, to her dress, to her bag, straight down to her shoes, everything matched perfectly.

"All this for a regular birthday party?" I jolted her out of complacency. She turned around and held her chest dramatically.

"My goodness! You scared me!"


"How long have you been awake?"

"Just now." I answered and stood up.

In the blink of an eye, I was done preparing. I wore a simple blue gown that stretched slightly below my knees, styled my hair with gel, packed it in a hairband and applied light make-up. I had my casual sandals supporting my simple dress, just how I liked it.

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