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Author: Samuel Frederick

Episode 30: AMBUSH.


The night I took that oath changed my life. I became brand new. I knew what love was!

I couldn’t explain it but, someway, somehow, my love for Boma increased to a whole new level I couldn’t even comprehend. It literally intoxicated my head each and every time I thought about him and laid eyes on him. The affection we shared waxed stronger within the space of three days after we took that oath. Boma made love to me that same night we got home, and I could truly tell that there was a bond between us.

We ‘straffed’ like rabbits at any time and place—basically anywhere we could find: be it in his room, in the car, in the bathroom, in the kitchen and sometimes, even in the nearby bush too. That was how insane we both were! We were undoubtedly obsessed with each other.

However, aside from all the romance going on, we still had other pressing issues to worry about. Like Mimi’s killer, for example; like the rival gang who kidnapped me and who they work for; like how to get vital information about their location and so on. Those issues really had us deliberating occasionally, even up to the point that we had to schedule another house gathering like the previous meeting we’d done before.

The only difference was that, this time around, we had more seriousness attached to it.

“Guys, this is not a joke! Let’s be serious here. It’s been three weeks since Fifi moved in here, yet we haven’t taken any action against her violators. Is this how we want to continue? Naso we go dey do?” Bauchi flared up all of a sudden with a high-pitched voice. “We are not cowards, for goodness’ sake!”

We had been on this same meeting for thirty straight minutes, arguing over and over again with no solution or plans whatsoever coming forth. It was getting tiring and boring for me.

“I understand you,” Simon piped in, trying to calm Bauchiʼs rage, “but as you know, we don’t know anything about these guys or how to trace them. How do you expect us to take actions when we can’t even find them?”

“That’s the easy part,” Bauchi answered. “I have a plan sorted out already, but I’m not too sure if it will work out.”

“Table it down, let’s hear it.” Boma demanded.

“Now you’re talking!” Bauchi heaved a sigh, and clapped his hands emphatically.

“I have a source,” he began, “a well reliable source from which I get information about those guys. I know at least two or three of them that can’t do without clubbing every Friday at a certain club popularly known as Paloma Joint. According to my source, those guys are well known for lavishing money, picking all sort of women and also buying drinks in bulk for everyone around. I have a suggestion, which is to set a trap using one of our own as bait for them,” he finalized, sounding confident about his plan.

From the look on everyone’s faces, it was clear that none of us understood what Bauchi meant or what he was driving at either.

“We don’t get you.” Eagle spoke up on our behalf, gesticulating with his right hand. “Please, expatiate.”

Bauchi frowned and shook his head irritably. “What I actually mean is that, since those guys are known to be chronic womanizers, why don’t we use that as an advantage? We could use Fifi, Rita and Nancy as bait for them,” he explained.

“No! It’s too risky!” Simon objected. “We can’t.”

“Boss, I know what I’m saying. I’ve thought through it. All we have to do is make sure they don’t recognize Fifi by giving her a good makeover. She could wear a wig, a cap and sunglasses in disguise.” Bauchi persisted. “Think about it.”

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