heartbroken (chandler/joey) |part seven|

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that night, you were sitting in joey's room as you stared at him while he finished getting ready which only really involved throwing on a shirt or sweater and then some jeans and a pair of shoes. you watched as he finished putting on the sweater, staring at him the entire time.

he could feel you looking at him, so he turned around to face you.

"you okay?" he asked you, coming over to sit down next to you. you watched as he did that, nodding when he sat down on the bed.

he leaned back onto his hands as he stared at you.

"you don't have to come," he said. you nodded, looking off to the side as you noticed something on the floor near his closet.

"what's that?" you asked, getting up as you went over to where the closet was. you picked it up, noticing it was your shirt as you smiled down at it.

"_____, i have to keep something of yours," he said, getting up and coming over to you. he gently gripped the shirt as you looked up at him. "that way you'll always come back to me."

you looked up at him still, watching as his eyes shifted to yours before pulling you to his lips. you sunk into it, your hands naturally moving to his shirt before you let go.

"has chandler said anything to you?" you asked him.

"i would ask ross that question."

you nodded, looking off to the side as he pressed a kiss to your neck, causing you to smile.

"ross, can i ask you a question?" you said, seeing him make eye contact with you before meeting you at the door as you led him outside into the hallway.

he took a sip of his drink as he waited for you to ask him the question you had.

"has chandler told you anything?" you asked softly. "about me, i mean," you muttered, picking at your jeans.

ross sighed. "he keeps calling you his girlfriend, i'll tell you that and i don't blame him. if i had lost you, i wouldn't want to say that i lost you ever."

"oh dear god," you muttered, taking a seat on the edge of the small step down to their apartments. "there's no way that all three of the guys are in love with me. i mean, with joey- it's fine. and chandler is trying to get over a break up. but you?"

ross nodded, taking a seat next to you.

"_______, you can still choose me over joey. there's still time. man, i want you so badly."

you looked at him in disbelief.

"ross, i'm with joey."

he muttered a small curse under his breath as you let out a sigh.

"i just don't think i can go back in that room."

ross stood up.

"look," he said, seeing your eyes look up to his. "_____, everyone here loves you. you have nothing to worry about."

"except monica and chandler," you muttered. "you know what, tell joey i'm going to be in his apartment. i just don't think i can do this just yet."

you got up and walked into the apartment as you shut the door behind you, letting out a sigh as you leaned against the door.

you weren't sure of what you were going to do.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora