Chapter 4

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"Oh boy... This place is a mess." Shirou mumbled, looking around Rin's room as piles and piles of many books, with dust all over the place, not to mention the many random stuff that's scattered around the place. "Does Tohsaka always live like this?" Shirou asked Sakura.

"Eh, he..." Sakura can only laugh nervously.

"Gah! No, I don't you idiot!" Rin yelled, appearing from underneath a pile of books.

"Huh? You were there?" Shirou asked as Rin only looked on embarrassed due to all the horrible mess in her room.

"Nevermind that! Finally, I'm just glad you're here!"

"Yeah. Sakura told me you needed me to repair something. Oh, I also brought Illya along with me if you don't mind."

"Hello!" Illya said.

"Still don't believe you two are family..." Rin said.

"Well... One's adopted and one's not." Shirou said with a small shrug. "Anyway, what do you need help with anyway? I thought the mighty Tohsaka was quite independent and didn't need help." Shirou said.

"I am independent! I don't need your help!"

"Nee-San..." Sakura looked at Rin with a frown.

"Well... If you truly don't need my help. I'll be on my way the—"

"Wait no I do need your help!" Rin cut Shirou off.

"Alright. Alright. Surely it's not too complicated to fix. Depending on what you want me to fix that is."

"It's urgent and I need you to help fix it right away. It's the air conditioning."

"The air conditioning? Seriously? That's what was urgent?" Shirou looked at Rin with a raised brow. Seems like even in another world, Rin will be Rin. Crying about how her busted AC isn't working... Perhaps in this world, her father has spoiled her a bit too much.

"It's almost summer. And the heat is too much to handle. That's why I need you to repair it for me." Rin said.

"I don't get it. Couldn't you just have called somebody to get an AC repair? Instead of asking Onii-Chan to fix it for you?" Illya asked.

"Hmph. I would under normal circumstances but your brother works for free! It's better than having to pay somebody to check for repairs. Besides, he's able to fix anything that has once been destroyed or is under normal circumstances gone for good that it can no longer be repaired." Rin said.

"So you're exploiting his kindness for your benefit?" Sakura asked with a frown. "Nee-San..." Sakura looked at Rin disappointed.

"It's fine Sakura. Besides, Tohsaka is right. It's easier to have me fix it instead of somebody else. It's free for her and I'm fine with just having to help out." Shirou said with a small smile.

"Thanks, Emiya-Kun." Rin said.

"Don't thank me until I actually fix the air conditioner."


"Alright... I managed to fix up the air conditioning for you." Shirou looked at Rin while he stretched a bit. "If something ever stops working, tell me so I can have a look at it."

"You really do live up to your name as the fake janitor."

"Fake janitor? What kind of name is that?" Illya asked.

"It's a nickname your brother has been given at school Illya." Sakura said.

"Why didn't you tell me you were popular Onii-Chan?!" Illya asked Shirou.

"Come on now. I'm not popular. Just widely known."

"That's exactly what popular is." Rin said. "Anyway, you're also popular for being part of the Archery Club. Which everyone knows that you're exceptionally perfect with wielding a bow." Rin finished.

"It's just practice. Besides, I've gotten rusty. I quit long ago so I'm not that great."

"You say that yet last time Mitsuzuri-Senpai battled against you when you went to help out clean up after the freshman, you managed to perfectly hit each target at ease." Sakura said.

"Seriously. I don't get why you quit all of a sudden. You could have done so much and have gotten popular way more if many others knew you still participated. Imagine all the fangirls you can acquire." Rin teased.

"I'm pursuing a career. I don't want to deal with some useless high school romance. Besides, I'm not looking forward to a relationship. I don't think I'm the kind of guy to be good with relationships..." Shirou said. He speaks from the experience of his past life.

"You're not horrible Senpai!" Sakura said.

"W-Woah. Calm down Sakura." Shirou tried pulling away from his Kouhai but failed.

"You're great! Amazing! Fantastic! You'll be fine in a relationship!" Sakura said.


"That's not it, you're also a great brother, friend, and Senpai!"

"Ah— Ah— Ah—"

"I think Onii-Chan can't even hear what she's saying to him anymore..." Illya said as she and Rin looked at Sakura who's shaking Shirou repeatedly while he looks like he's about to pass out.

"Sakura... I think that's enough..." Rin can only say quietly.

"Gurgle" Shirou stopped moving as foam formed in his mouth. His eyes rolled back as he went limp.


Shirou Ga Shinda


"Seriously. You should be more careful Sakura." Rin said with a sigh.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to." Sakura said to Shirou.

"It's alright. I didn't get hurt. Just passed out that is." Shirou nervously laughed. "Well... Illya and I should probably be heading out now. It's getting late and dad and mom are probably worried if we arrive anytime late." Shirou said.

"Already?" Illya asked.

"Yes, Illya. Already."


"We can come to visit again another time. That is if you guys don't mind that is." Shirou said.

"Not at all. Guest are always welcomed to come." Sakura said with a smile.

"As long as you don't bother me then that's fine." Rin said with a shrug.

"... Hmph." Shirou chuckled softly at Rin.

"W-what? What's so funny?" Rin asked as she blushed. "Why are you laughing at me?" Rin glared.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Shirou said as he turned around. "You haven't changed Tohsaka..." Shirou said quietly.

"Come on Illya." Shirou said. Illya nodded and grabbed a hold of Shirou's hand as they both began walking away from the Tohsaka residence.

Rin looked on at the two as Sakura waved goodbye to the two.

"You haven't changed Tohsaka..."

"What did he mean by that...?" Rin whispered to herself. She couldn't help but feel a ping of pain at those words, while also feeling a sense of relief in someway.


Word Count: 1,072

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