Chapter 7

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Shirou looked over the target as he hit the apple he put out in front of him very easily. He can only go ahead and grab the arrow that was in the apple. Lifting the apple with his free hand and tossing it around.

Hmm. That's odd. Nothing strange has happened to him in these few hours. Can this be... An actual peaceful day?

Good lord... It probably is.

Shirou then threw the apple into the air. Threw it very hard and nocked back the bowstring. He quickly grabbed an arrow from his quiver and placed it in between his middle and index finger.

As he aimed the bow to the sky. He released the bowstring.  Watching as it managed to hit the apple midair when falling.

"Hmm..." Shirou walked over to the apple and pulled out the arrow again and put it back in his quiver. Grabbing the apple and throwing it into the trash. "I really did waste a good apple right there. Should have used something else as target practice. Oh well, there are plenty of more apples in the sea..."

"Isn't the saying that there are plenty of more fish in the sea?"

"Why yes. That's right. Thanks for correcting me." Shirou said with a snort. Who the hell does that person behind him think they are?

"I didn't mean to insult you. I was just trying to correct you in a joking way."

"I don't see how correcting somebody is but a joke—" Shirou froze as he then turned around to look at the person that was talking to him. "Aren't you the leader of the Kendo Club?" Shirou asked as he stared at Artoria.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." Artoria said with a smile.

"I was just trying to take some stuff out of my mind. That doesn't explain why you're here though." Shirou said firmly as he grabs one of his arrows from his quiver.

"I was just walking for a stroll at the park. You should have seen my face when I saw the Archery Club's ace member aiming and practicing. Specifically at the park."

"Former club member." Shirou corrected. "It was the only deserted place where I was sure not many people would be around. So I used it as an opportunity to just practice in peace."

"I see... My apologies then." Artoria said as she sat down on one of the swings. Looking at Shirou.

"What are you doing?" Shirou asked as she continued to stare at him.

"Don't mind me. You may continue to practice in peace. I'll just be watching." Artoria said with a smile as she looked at the boy once again.

"Why would you wanna watch me practice? Don't you have anything else important to do instead of being here?" Shirou asked.

"Not necessarily. Dinner won't be ready until 8 o'clock so I have nothing much to do as of now." Artoria said.

"So you're deciding to waste time by watching a nobody just practice?" Shirou asked confused. Seriously, this Artoria is much annoying than the one he knew. And she feels a lot more mysterious.

"Not just a nobody. An ace ex Archery Club member." Artoria said, pointing at Shirou who only blinked at this.

"You're quite strange..." Shirou said as he then turned around. "Well, whatever. Do what you want." Shirou said with an unbothered tone. All the while failing to notice the small chuckle that came from Artoria who leaned forward, hand in chin as she watched.


Shot after shot. He continued to repeat his movements. With ease, he would hit the red-colored target that he put up. Each time he would take a step back once he managed to easily hit the target. Not going too far, he would go back to his original place and then walk back again and shoot. And he didn't fail not once. Not at all.

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