Chapter 35: I'll miss you

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I sit up on his bed, running my hands over the smooth satin sheets. The memories of our first time flood back into my mind. The touches, the gentle kisses, the warmth of his body against mine as I fell asleep in his arms.

Will was leaving tomorrow.

He was going to Harvard. To live his dream. Just like I had wanted him too.

But now I just wished I had more time to spend with him before he did.

I imagine him at Harvard. Waking up in the morning, walking to class with his friends. He would work hard and fall asleep on his desk while pulling all-nighters, the bags that would develop under his eyes, his hair would be sticking out in odd directions. But besides everything, he would be happy. I could also see the way his smile would radiate, the way his eyes would sparkle with joy when he finally completes his years in med school.

I walked around his room, feeling my way through his t-shirts, one of which I still haven't returned to him. I looked in the mirror and saw the pictures taped on it. One of us on graduation, all of us together, we looked utterly ecstatic. I'd miss these idiots so much.

Then there was one of him and I. The same one I had on my board at home. When we'd joined forces in middle school to pull the most epic prank against the seniors. I wish I'd realized then how I felt about him. I wish I just had more time with everyone.

The door creaked open and Will came in.

"Oh hey ba-Harper?", he dropped his gym bag on the floor and advanced towards me, "Why are you crying?",

"I am?", I brushed my hand over my cheek, "Oh yeah, didn't realize that",

"Yeah but why?", he asked, looking concerned.

"I don't know",

"Anymore lies you wish to feed me?",

"I've got a whole box of them", I retorted.

"Save them, I'll listen to them when I get back from Harvard", He chuckled.

I don't know what it was that pushed me over the edge, but I started bawling like a baby.

"Harp? Babe hey, don't cry", Will said soothingly, taking my face in his hands.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest.

"I'll miss you", I sniffled.

"Is that what this is about? Because I'm leaving?", he chuckled stroking my hair, "You are such a dork",

"Not funny", I growled.

"It kinda is", he said amusedly, "Considering how cute you look when you cry",

He let out a long sigh.

"Do you want me to stay?", he asked.

"No!", I pulled away, "How could you think of that?! Why would you do that?!", I punched his chest.

"I was just asking!", He chuckled again.

"I swear you chuckle one more time and I will commit manslaughter", I threatened.

He held his hands up in surrender.

"I just wish I had more time to spend with you", I admitted, "That's all",

"Before you break down again, I have something for you", he faced me to the mirror, "Close your eyes",

I shut my eyes and heard him shuffle around for something. He took my hand in his and I felt something cold against my finger.

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