PLEASE READ: Message regard further updates

10.7K 193 37

Hey Wilpers!! We're upto 50.9K!! Thank u so much for getting The Locker Room Incident to this level and giving it so much love!!!!

I love you guys soooooo fricking much and I couldn't be happier with your comments which always miraculously put a smile on my face.

But I'm gonna have to be honest.

I don't think I'll be updating for a while now.

So you'll have to wait a little longer for the sequel and other stories.

I just relapsed into depression a week ago. And life just really isn't easy. I'm disappointed in myself because I promised that I won't let this current lockdown in my city, bring me down. 

But my parents aren't the most supportive, and to be honest, they're really toxic. 

So I just had a breakdown about a week ago, and that's when I relapsed. 

So yayy.

I think I'll be better after the lockdown, since I won't be stuck at home with my parents 24/7.

But I just really don't know, since the lockdown might extended and I have no idea how it's gonna leave me.

But just bear with me please.

This sucks for me, because I love writing more than anything in the world. It's literally my life support. But I really can't bring myself to sit down and write something when I'm just so sad.

I'll still be replying to your comments and your messages, but just not updating anything else for a month or so.

Once again I really love you guys and thank u so much for supporting me!!


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