13. plan B

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Mount Justice
September 26, 12:34 EDT

"I don't think now is the time, Robin."

He was standing in my doorway, surely going to begin a conversation I wasn't ready for.

This entire week had put me in the wrong headspace, starting with the attack on the cave, then assuming my new role as a leader of the team.

I could hardly pay attention to the sudden improvements in using my powers, because everything else felt too overwhelming.

Even the smoke breaks at school felt unfulfilling, now that Adam preferred to focus on kissing more than anything else.

Just today, I kept breaking away each time his hands would roam to a different part of my body.

"This is something people do, it's not a big deal," he told me.

Maybe it isn't a big deal, but I couldn't shake how unusual the sensation was.

Being an Ethera meant I was supposed to connect with sentience. Why does it feel like I've lost touch with my own?

"I don't think it can wait." Robin's words reminded me of Adam's, only further putting me on edge. "We've been avoiding each other for weeks."

"That wasn't my decision."

"I know, and I'm sorry, it's just that..." Robin trailed off, eyeing something else. "What's that in your pocket?"

I glanced down, realizing the cigarette pack's white and gold edge was sticking out. Not being able to smoke during lunch, forced me to find a hidden corner on the cave's beach where I could privately get my fix. But for someone on a covert ops team, I failed miserably at hiding the evidence.

Robin repeated himself. "What is that?"

"Nothing," I feigned innocence.

He wouldn't be Batman's protégé if he didn't push for more information. "Iris, what is it?"

I felt like backing towards the wall when he started taking steps closer.

"It's really nothing, Robin."

"If it's nothing then let me see."

"Stop it," I whined. We were fighting like we had on the water, pushing and pulling at each.

Eventually, Robin had managed to lodge his hand into my uniform jacket's pocket.

Before he could pull it out, I seized his wrist, keeping his hand there. I knew we were already on thin ice, I couldn't risk worsening it.

He looked up at me, surprised by the amount of force I'd resorted to using.

That's when my mouth went dry, realizing the front of our bodies were pressed together. That the tips of our noses connected.

Why couldn't it feel like this when Adam was touching me?

"Are we just going to stay here forever?"

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