22. last chance

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Mount Justice
December 30, 15:45 EST

"Tell me if this sounds familiar. You hacked League systems, disobeyed protocol, and endangered your lives. And your initiative resulted in the capture of three escaped felons, proving Warden Strange runs Belle Reve as a cover for criminal activity... Well done."

Each of us let out a large breath of relief.

"And then, there's this," Wonder Woman turned to the case. "Bio-technology integrated with some form of nano-circuitry."

"Though I am unfamiliar with the species," Icon picked one of the chips up, "The bio-component is clearly not of Earth."

    Batman closed the case, "We'll take it to the Watchtower for further study."

    He, Tornado, and Icon exited through the zeta tube, but Wonder Woman and Canary lingered. They spoke back and forth quietly, until Canary left too.

    "Iris, a word?"

    "There's something I've been wanting to discuss with you." We stepped aside from the group, and I could tell she was doing her best to speak carefully. "I know these past eight months have been very trying. I spoke with Black Canary, and I wanted to address the things that you may be feeling."

    "I thought those sessions were private."

    "Canary did not share anything that you have in therapy," she assured. "I came to her with my own concerns over your well being."

    I assumed she meant how slow I've become in training. How the lack of sleep and food was beginning to catch up with me. "I-I can do better—"

    "I'm not berating you." Her hand landed on my shoulder. "I've worked out an opportunity for you to take some time away; where you can gain answers to all the questions you must have about yourself...." Wonder Woman continued detailing her "opportunity," saying that she had to make similar decisions years ago—that nobody would think different of me if I decided to take her offer. But her words became mere background noise when my eyes landed on Robin, talking with the team, standing next to Zatanna. "...I really hope you'll consider. You'll be well taken care of there."

    I forced myself to refocus, but my answer was riddled with thoughts of only Robin, "What about the team?"

"The team will still be here when you are ready."

    "There's nothing to be ready for, I'm okay."

    Whether she believed me or not, she smiled, "I admire your dedication. But you have some time to think about it. Let's not rush to a decision."

    I found myself frustrated. After all, my mentor so clearly displayed the belief that I needed help. "Should... Should I be offended?"

    "No, no! I'm only suggesting that there is more than one path towards healing."

    "I don't have time for healing."

    "Then you expect to continue like this for forever?"

    "Like what?"

    Her eyes narrowed, and she folded her arms. "I may not be in this cave as much as the other members of the League, but I'm not impartial to the clear fact that you're tired, and angry—"

    "I'm not angry!"

    The room went quiet, members of the team trying to hide their glances as the lights overhead flickered.

    "You need a break," Wonder Woman said calmly. "But the decision is yours, and believe it or not, I trust you to make the right one."

    Seemed to me like she was already set on what the "right decision" was supposed to be.

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