13 - Outburst

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(Hailey's POV)

"hails, were having a little hang out at one of the jocks house tomorrow night, wanna come?" Lila asked as the both of us made our way out of the school building.

"uh yeah sure, just text me the details later" I replied

"cool, I'll bring the alcohol" she said smirking walking away from me to her car.

"and I'll bring the weed... We're gonna get so smashed!" I shout over to her

"you know it" she shouted back laughing, then got in her car and with a final wave toward me, drove off.

I lean on my car and wait for the twe- I mean...Alex to come out. If I was going to that thing Friday night he'd - I mean .....we'd need to finish the assignment today!

About 6 minutes later I see him walking toward the parking lot, and damn does he look like shit. He was slightly hunched over holding onto a girl for support, the nerd has friends who would've thought. He has a huge black eye, a few smaller bruises on his face and a busted lip.

His head turns in my direction and his eyes meet mine. We stare at each other for a few seconds until he turns to the girl and tells her something. She nods in response and make her way to the other side of the parking lot.

Alex slowly makes his way over to me, and when I say slowly I mean sloooooowly... why the hell does it look like he can barely see?

When he finally reached me he leaned against my car for support. "Did you want to speak with me miss Lena? " he asks between grunts.

"We need to finish this assignment today " I state.


"don't question it" I say.

"anyways i won't be able to come over today" he says.

"excuse me? Did anybody ask what you wanted? I'm telling you it needs to be done today" I fire back getting annoyed, who the hell does he think he is!

"I'm sorry miss Lena but I just won't be able to make it" he says through gritted teeth...appearing somewhat ...angry?

"you listen to me kid" I say getting up in his face. "I do not care what plans you have....its not a choice, if I say its getting done today its getting done today punk!" this kid is really testing my patience.

"No!! You listen to me Hailey... I've had a really shitty day okay! I haven't ate a thing since this morning, your dumb hook up nearly sent me to the shitting hospital I can barely even walk right now... I got a giant black eye ,my head is hurting like a mother fucker and I'm basically blind as dumb Daniel's broke my glasses!!! Now if you'd stop listening to that voice in your head that's saying to be a bitch to everyone I need you to hear me fucking clearly right now....I WILL NOT BE COMING OVER TONIGHT!" and he turned on his heels and walked over to his friend's car and they pulled out of the lot speeding off.

What the hell just happened!?

(Alex's POV)

I get in London's car and we speed off down the road a very shocked Hailey Lena staring after us.

"that was like the baddest shit I've ever seen someone do!" London shrieked from beside me excited as ever.

"i hope you like seeing me get thrashed too, as that's exactly what's gonna happen next time she sees me" I retort truthfully, I was having such a horrible day and she was just being so mean I completely snapped.

All the anger at my dad, Daniels and from all the pain I was feeling just came out on her. To be fair she really was being kind of a bitch, oh and I've start swearing now, apparently... Oh Jesus what is happening to me!!

"no worries I'll be there to back her off, you might not be able to hit her but I sure as hell will!!" she replied sounding genuinely determined to kick Hailey's ass. I just laugh at her and stare out my window.

"uh London this isn't the way to my house" I say as we go down an unfamiliar road.

"oh yeah I wanted to treat you to some ice cream...you looked like you could use it" she answered smiling warmly at me.

Ice-Cream? I can't tell the last time I had that and if I said I didn't miss the cold treat I'd be lying. Why was London doing all this for me though, first helping me in the hallway, then offering to drop me home, now this?

"why are you helping me?" I voice my thoughts.

"To be honest I've wanted to help you for a while now, I always see how the jocks bully you and today when you couldn't even move I finally decided to step foward." she admitted eyes still on the road.

"really?" I ask pathetically she's been meaning to help me? No ones ever helped me before, to say I was grateful to London would be an understatement, she's my firkin hero.

"yea really, I'm just sorry I hadn't helped sooner " gripping the steering wheel tighter as she spoke.

I take one of her hands off the wheel holding it in my own. She looks down at me for a moment before looking back at the road, stopping at a stop light. Now giving me her full attention.

"London you have no idea how eternally grateful I am to you, you didn't have to help me, yet you did and I will forever be in your dept " I tell her sincerely hoping she believes what I'm saying for it really is the truth.

I kiss the back of her hand and give her a tight lipped smile. The light turns green and we drive off in a comfortable silence.

*Dun dun dunnnnn!!! What do you guys think about Alex's out burst? Good move or nah? Voice your opinions in the comments!!!


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