25 - Shyness, Lies, Anger and Jealousy

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(Hailey's POV)

Its been two days!!! TWO FUCKING DAYS!

Alexander hasn't said a word to me after I told him what happened. You have no idea how my heart broke when I first saw him on that hospital bed. I stood there for minutes just staring at his broken body, I can't believe Asher did this! Asher....ASHER!!!! my sadness turned to anger and all i could see was red. I was so angry!! Angry at myself for forcing him to come to that stupid game, and especially Asher. I was so pissed I ran out of the hospital room and sped all the way to Asher's house.


"what the fuck is wrong with you!" I scream at him right as he opens the door.

" a lot of things, be specific babe" he replied casually which just made me even more mad.

"Alex" I point my finger in front of his face. "Alexander is in the fucking hospital because of you, he's still unconscious who knows what sorts of injuries you gave him!" I snarl through gritted teeth.

"No one knows and no one cares! The scrawny little fucker got what he deserved" he scoffs "mixing with upper class."

My nose flare and my breathing becomes uneven because of how angry I am right now, yet I keep my self composed.

" You got one thing wrong Asher, someone cares, I CARE! what I don't care about though is the rules. I don't care if he shouldn't talk to us, I don't care about my stupid status or friends... I will be whatever I want to be with Alex and absolutely no one will touch him! Alexander is mine and nobody fucking messes with WHAT IS MINE! You will stay away from him!" I look him dead in the eye showing that I meant everything I said and do not plan to back down.

Slowly I see a smirk pull up at the corner of his mouth, nothing I want more than to wipe that smirk clean off his face.

"and what if I don't want to.....stay away that is" he asks smirking.

A loud humorless laugh erupts from my throat. I lean closer to him and whisper in his ear. "I know your secret" he seemed confused for a moment before I add "Ashie".

His entire face pales and he steps away from me, further into the house.

Now it was my turn to smirk.

"that's what I thought" I say as I walk back way to my car. He still stands there motionless, eyes filled with horror at what would happen if his secret got revealed.

I get in my car and start the engine. I put on a fake smile and wave at him from the window before I roll it up and rush back to the hospital.

End of flashback

My alarm rings around the room and I remember that I need to bring breakfast and medication and some other stuff for Alex.

Yes he's still living in my house, but he never leaves the room, which means he's trying to avoid me. I agree what I said the other day was a lot and he probably just needs some time to think.........yea no he's totally avoiding me. He's already upset with me and I don't want to make it worse so I don't try to get him to speak to me, he'll come to me when he has something to say.

I just continue the cycle that I've been following for the past two days. I get the cook to make him breakfast very early in the morning, I place his daily dose of medication on the tray and get clean clothes for him to wear for the day. I sneak into his room at the early hours of dawn and place the stuff in the room then leave. For lunch and dinner i deliver the tray to the room if he is in the bathroom or something but if he isn't I tell Linda (the maid) to do it . He obviously doesn't want to see me and if he has to stay cooped up in the room all day to avoid me then that's what he's gonna do. The least I can do is feed him, I'm still supposed to take care of him, that's the whole reason he came over here in the first place.

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