3. Job Hunt

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Y/n's Pov

It's been about a few days since my mom was in the hospital due to her incident. But, thankfully, she was released just yesterday.

The doctor said she cannot go up any stairs due to her wheelchair and that she has to take medications daily that will help relieve her leg pain.

It'll be stressful to adjust. But I am just glad she is alive and safe.

"Mom, I need to go to the PC bang," I told her as I packed my bag with my needed belongings.

"Will you be okay here?" I asked her as I placed my bag over my shoulders.

"Of course, honey. I am not a kid." She chuckled at me.

"Sometimes, you act older than me. Learn to live a little, okay? You are only 22 once in your life." She faintly smiled at me.

"Fine..." I chuckled and smiled.

"I will also be here to take care of mom!" Young-mi stood in front of me and made a proud pose.

"Of course! Take great care of mom while I am gone, okay?" I ruffled her hair as she nodded.

"I will be going now!" I waved at both of them as I walked out the door and headed to my car.


At the PC Bang~

"Hey, do you have an open seat available?" I asked the front desk as he was searching through his computer.

"Yes, seat 53 is available." He slid a paper with the seat number towards me as I bowed and thanked him.

I took the slip and walked towards the computers as I tried to find my seat.

Ah, finally I found it! I sat in the chair as I started searching up available job listings.

It's not like I want to work an extra job, but I don't have a choice. After my mom was paralyzed, it is now my responsibility to make money for the family.

I don't want Young-mi to be in the same position as me, so I should try saving some money for her college as well. I want Young-mi to have the chance to follow her dreams.

As for my mom, I am not angry at her. I am thankful. She was such a caring mother. Even if she went through so many hardships, she still tried her best to provide for the family. She is the best mom anyone could ever ask for.

I continued scrolling through the site as I saw jobs available, but they all require a college degree. Ugh, where the frick are the jobs that don't need it?

OH! There is an option to categorize. I'm stupid...

I facepalmed myself as the two people sitting next to me glanced at me. They must think I am weird...

"Sorry..." I awkwardly chuckled and continued scrolling.

Here it says there is a job available... It is in a well-known company, and I believe it is an entertainment company?? That's a bit odd that they are hiring people who aren't college graduates.

I clicked on the job and saw the job description.

"In need of an errands individual, someone who will tend to all the needs of the office workers in the building."

It doesn't seem hard. I think...

It definitely must be a bit more tiring than having a job in a cafe, but I am sure I can manage.

The payment here pays about the same amount my mom makes for both her jobs. That's weird... Why is the payment so high for this kind of job?

Whatever, I am desperate, and I need the job. I am just going to call the entertainment company and hope I can get accepted for an interview.

I wrote down the number on my phone. I closed up all the sites I used and turned off the computer before standing up to leave the building.

Once I was outside the building, I gave the number a call as I patiently waited.

"Hello, this is Myoui entertainment. How may I help you?"

"Hi, I was wondering if your job listing for an errands person was still available?"

"Yes, it is still available." I quickly moved the phone away as I started jumping in celebration.

I quickly calmed myself down and pulled my phone closer to me.

"May I interview for the job?"

"Yes, what is your name?"

"Kim Y/n"

"Okay, Ms. Kim. Will tomorrow at 3 pm work for you?"

"YES! I mean... yes, it will..." I awkwardly said.

"Alright, make sure to have your resume ready by tomorrow. You will be interviewing with the CEO."

"Thank you so much!"

I quickly ended the call and shouted in excitement as the others turned their heads and looked at me weirdly.

"S-Sorry..." I slightly raised my hand and slightly bowed my head at them.

Jeez, Y/n... You are being such an embarrassment...

A/N: Thank you so much for reading the story so far! I want to let you know that the first three chapters build up the main story. Soon the main love interest will show up in the following chapters. Thank you for being patient! I hope you enjoy it! :)

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