42. New Actor On The Rise

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A month later~

After Y/n's extensive training to become an actor, the trainer finally has told Y/n she was ready. Y/n felt proud of her as Mina congratulated her with a lovely celebration.

But as of right now, Y/n is nervously in the dressing room, preparing for her first scene in the movie. Y/n is completely anxious, she doesn't want to let the others down.

"Y/n, you're on in 5 minutes." The director knocked on the door and spoke from the other side.

"I will be there soon!" Y/n replied as she was taking multiple deep breaths.

Y/n quickly stood up from her seat and walked out of the room, she headed towards the studio as she was rehearsing her lines in her head.

"Come this way, Y/n." The director motioned Y/n to follow after him as she complied. He led her to the studio room.

The studio had a built in house building, Y/n realized the first scene they will be shooting is in the middle of the movie where the main two leads are arguing at each other.

The director came along with another actor as Y/n noticed.

"Y/n, have you met Sejeong?" The director as as she shook her head.

"Ah, well meet your co-star." He said.

"Hey, glad to be working with you," Sejeong politely bowed and stuck out her hand.

"I'm glad i'll be working with you too," Y/n politely bowed and shook her hand.

"Alright, shall we get started?!" The director shouted out loud at everyone in the building, to make sure everyone heard it.

"Yes!" The staff alongside Y/n and Sejeong responded.

"Feeling nervous?" Sejeong politely asked Y/n.

"Yeah, it's my first time acting." Y/n replied as she was breathing heavily.

"Here, having this helps you." She handed Y/n dark chocolate as Y/n thanked her and ate the chocolate.

She felt more calm and relaxed. She then reminded herself of why she wanted to become an actor and felt more confident.

"Positions everyone!" The director called out as Y/n and Sejeong positioned themselves. Y/n was in the doorframe of the front door and Sejeong was outside the house on the doorstep.

"3, 2, 1. Action!" The director yelled as the staff began recording.

Acting scene~

The fake rain began pouring onto the area, hitting Sejeong. The cloudy weather blocked the sun as it was a bit dark.

"How could you?! We have a family together!" Sejeong angrily screamed at Y/n.

"Jia... it had to be done... I'm sorry..." Y/n glanced at the floor, holding back her tears.

"Why?! Why! Explain to me why are you kicking me out of your life?! What about our kids?!" Sejeong held onto Y/n's arm, gripping onto it.

Y/n held onto Sejeong's arm and aggressively pulled it away.

"You don't understand... You don't fucking understand how much my family meant to me! You were fucking other girls while I tried making a living for our family!" Y/n snapped as she shouted back at Sejeong as she was taken aback.

"I worked day and night! I cared for our kids while you were "working." Don't even argue with me! I caught you fucking my bestfriend, or should I say ex bestfriend?!" Y/n angrily pointed at Sejeong, shouting while calling her out.

"Jia... I-I could explain..." Sejeong's lips were shivering, she was on the brink of tears.

"Fuck off, get away from MY family! You don't deserve to be here anymore!" Y/n clenched her jaw as she was breathing heavily.

"J-Jia... please..." Sejeong pleaded as Y/n slammed the door in her face.

"Jia!" Sejeong kept banging on the door, pleading for Y/n to open it. But she refused.

After sometime, Sejeong gave up as the banging stopped.

Y/n turned around and leaned on the door as she slid until she was on the ground.

Her knees were on her chest as she started crying.

"M-Mommy? A-Are you okay?" A kid came close to Y/n as she was crying.

"Y-Yes, don't worry sweetie, mommy is okay. Y/n softly held onto the kid's head and ruffled it.

The kid glanced at Y/n, trying to figure out how to cheer her up.

"Mommy! When I grow up, I promise to become tall and strong! Then I will help you with everything you need!" The kid spoke as Y/n chuckled and giggled.

"Thank you, sweetie. I will be counting on you." Y/n smiled, ruffling the kid's hair.


"And cut!" The director called out as Y/n suddenly shifted expressions.

Suddenly, claps came from the side as Y/n spotted Mina.

"Mina!" Y/n shouted as she ran to her and hugged her.

"Baby, you did amazing! I was almost tearing up!" Mina told Y/n as she couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks!" Y/n happily said, holding onto Mina.

"Congrats Y/n." Jihyo approached as she was handing Y/n a water bottle. Y/n took it from her.

"Hey Jihyo! I didn't know you were gonna be here." Y/n said as Jihyo seemed to be trying to avoid Y/n's statement.

"A-Ah you see..." Before Jihyo could continue she got cut off.

"Jihyo!" Sejeong ran after Jihyo and put her arm around her neck, Jihyo was blushing at Sejeong.

Y/n realized what was going on as she smirked at Jihyo.

"Hey good job out there, Y/n! You were really good!" Sejeong complimented Y/n. Y/n felt happy.

She thought to herself, "Woah... an actress was actually complimenting me..."

"Thanks! You did amazing too!" Y/n told Sejeong as they both smiled. Sejeong then turned her head to face Jihyo, who was still in her arms.

"What do you say, Jihyo? Want to eat dinner with me later?" Sejeong deeply glanced at Jihyo in the eyes.

"Y-Yeah sure..." Jihyo nervously spoke.

Mina and Y/n giggled at her. They slowly walked away trying to leave the two to talk.

"Seems like they are getting "along" quite well." Y/n joked around as Mina laughed.

"Seems like they are," Mina smiled.

"How about you? What should we do tonight?" Mina suddenly asked, throwing off Y/n.

"Oh you know what I want..." Y/n smirked.

"Of course I do," Mina leaned in closer to Y/n.

"You want to watch netflix and eat sushi!!" Mina excitedly said as Y/n laughed at her.

"You got it right!" Y/n applauded Mina.

"Let's go then?" Mina asked Y/n as she nodded.

"Yep let's go! I'm exhausted..." Y/n yawned as Mina thought Y/n was too adorable.

They held hands with one another as they walked out of the studio building together. Y/n was happy that her dream was coming true.

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