42 Going Mad

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Battle after battle. We slowly wore down the vampires. We lose family, friends and our own blood in the process.

I made a witch group. A team to keep the Timor pack house safe. A spell that around 20 witches revealed themselves so we could keep the barrier spell up, so no vampire could get in. That's where the children and older people, around older than 1000 were hiding. In a grand set of underground bunkers. The battle went on for weeks. I saw Grayson less and less. Though I know my family are okay. I retreated home, my magic penetrating the last vampire on the war field. We were losing this war. Fast.

"The vampires still overtake us in numbers," Emerald sighed, running her hands through her hair that was thick with grey blood. Vampire blood. I observed my friend as she buried her head within Frankys chest. We hadn't spoken about what she did to me when I was ill. What she made me see. Every time I go to approach her, I see the pain and the fear in her eyes when I was angry that night. When I had lost control. If Grayson hadn't been there. I don't know if I would have reclaimed it. I heard cries on the battle field. People once again, moarning their losses.

We were in Brayson's territory, all of his warriors and other packs warriors stuffed into small tents. "This is barbaric," I whipped the blood from my face, I could barely count the scars on my neck, the many times I had been too close to death.

"This is life," Grayson spoke behind me. Looking up, I saw blood covering every inch of his body, only his eyelids revealed his true tanned skin.

"We are losing this war," I spoke solemnly.

"We need to find their leader." Grayson kissed my nose, sitting next to me. "Noah does not know where she is." Noah had become a trusted ally, and a trusted spy, we found out where all of the next attacks were coming from him.

"They're going to strike one last time. One last battle." I knew it was instinct, it was like this was written in my blood. My fate. Somehow I knew what was going to happen. "Their queen will be leading them to victory," I spoke, holding Grayson's gaze. I let him in, I let him are the fear, the pain that I was holding deep within my bones.

Somehow I knew. I knew that this next battle. Would be my last. 

Unwanted Human X AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang