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It made 1 year since he hasen't come back . He has so many touring and concerts that we never see each other much . Since Im home alone as usual and it's 7pm I decide on going to sleep ...

I wake up at 1:00 am and turn arround . Michael .

"M-Michael?" I ask

He looks at me .

"Yes ?"

"Is it really you or Im dreaming again?"

"Baby your not dreaming Im really here.."

He say's and wrap his arms arround me .

I snuggled my head into his chest and feel his warm lovely sent Ive always felt for .

"I missed you.." I say

"I missed you too..." He cuddles me.

"Michael , Im tired of being home alone everytime ... " I add

"Babe Im sorry it's just because of all the touring ... We'll find a way .."

"Michael maybe it's best if maybe we just don't do nothing and you to move on?"

"But you need to move on too right?"

"Michael ... You know I alway's been alone and everybody hates me "

"But you'll find someone !"

"Michael .. I won't , we both know that.."

Silence .

"I could ask my manager if I can bring you-"

" No Michael . We both know it's not meant to be .."

" But babe"

"Michael , you NEED to move on "

"But what about you?"


" I could commit suicide " I said

Not everything is meant to be ~ M.C short storyWhere stories live. Discover now