Chapter 8

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"Perhaps you should have asked somebody taller to have helped you."

"It's not funny!"

"Come now, it's hilariously amusing how short you are." Archer could only keep a strained smile as Sitonai pulls on his hair angrily. "You know... You could learn to walk on your own you know?"


"You stay out of this." Archer said as he looked at Shirou (the bear of course) who only blinked and huffed at him again.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But I prefer it here." Sitonai said with a smile. "I am the tallest of the tall!"

"Only because I'm carrying you, otherwise you'd be nothing but a small midget."


Archer can only wince in pain as Sitonai hits him with her first. Then again... At least she isn't as strong as him. Hah! Take that! Sitonai has E-Rank strength while he has D-Rank! He continues to ignore the aggressive hitting on his hair as he walked.

Still though... What an amusing thing to see. Watching Sitonai try and grab something from a tall shelf. How amusing and hilarious.

"Mou... It's not fair..." Sitonai mumbled.

"Stop sulking around. It'll only make you smaller."

"That was on purpose wasn't it?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"It's not fair... Especially you Onii-Chan... You grew taller with that growth spurt of yours. Not fair!" Sitonai said.

"Now now, calm down already. You're acting like a cry baby. But seriously. If you keep hitting me like that I'll be Internal bleeding." Archer said with a sigh.

"Don't care!"

"Alright... Alright. I'm sorry." Archer said.

"Those two seem to be getting along well!" Irisviel said while she watched the two pass by in the casino with the bear with them as well.

"They really do..." Kiritsugu said as he stared on, finally watching them leave their view. Good... He can get back to eating now...

"Wait..." Irisviel paused.

"What now woman?"

"Quick! We must reunite the Emiya family Kerry! Starting by talking with those two!" Irisviel said, grabbing Kiritsugu and running off. Kiritsugu with his plate of sliced cake on hand can only blink as he was suddenly taken out of his will.

Why must this happen to him?



"Huh?" Ritsuka turned around to look at the voice that called out to him. He and Mash who stopped their conversation turned to the person calling him.

"Artoria? Ishtar? Ms. Parvati?" Mash was surprised by the three Servants. Specifically why they're all together.

"Yes, Artoria? Did something happen you three?" Ritsuka asked.

"Nothing much Master. We've just been walking around and discussing things and we saw you around here. So we decided to greet you." Parvati said with a smile.

"Good to see the three of you enjoying yourselves." Ritsuka said.

"Who wouldn't? This is Las Vegas after all!" Ishtar said. "The place to get rich! And much more." Ishtar said with greed.

"Ishtar..." Parvati said with a small frown.

"I'm just joking..." Ishtar said with a sigh.

"Nonetheless summer is quite nice. It's also been quite fun... Besides Morgan of course..." Artoria said with a frown.

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