Chapter 15

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"Now then, this is a Calico M950."

"Yes. I already know..."

When Irisviel told him that everyone would be bonding together personally in the future. This isn't what Archer expected at all.

"Just aim with your grip right and your shoulder at ease. Make sure you don't have a loose grip or you'll find yourself being unable to use the weapon accurately."

Well... He supposes everyone has different meanings of bonding.

"Mm..." Archer only sweats as he looks at the submachine gun that was handed to him by Kiritsugu. Looking over at the assassin whose dead eyes stare at him, smoking as he shakes his head with a nod that says "go for it!"

All the more reason for him to feel nervous, to say the least. It's not every day you bond with your adoptive father of another timeline who never encountered you in his life.

With a calm demeanor, he stared at the target set out in front of him in the simulation room. Aiming at it with a calm expression. Pulling the trigger as the sound of bullets instantly firing and blitzing through the air rang through the simulation.

"!" An exhale of relief fell upon his face as he saw that he managed to hit right in the center.

"You did well. Impressive." Kiritsugu told Archer.

"T-thanks." He stuttered in the process. Embarrassed to say the least at his stutter yet composed himself. Handing back the weapon towards Kiritsugu who rightfully grabbed it.

"Something tells me you're natural with the ability of a gun."

"I used a firearm back when I traveled throughout the world. When I was still alive that is. I picked up a bit of how to use one."

"Hmm? You're the only mage besides myself who I know that uses modern weaponry. After all, mages don't rely on modern technology and devices, if anything else, they're out of date of the current society and how things work."

"Hmph!" Archer could not help but snort at the statement. Not disagreeing, but snorted out of humor. "Yes... I suppose magi do struggle with technological advances. It's amusing, to say the least... Their pride and egos will be their downfall towards modern weaponry."

"Agreed. After all, how many died because they saw themselves above the gun? Magi are horrible by nature, being able to find any good intended magi is low in the mage association."

"You would know a thing or two..." Archer said quietly.

"Yes..." Kiritsugu replied softly. They both remained quiet. "In your world, did I ever tell you why I wanted to become a hero of Justice? How was I?"

"... You were... Complicated to say the least." Archer said. "All I remember of those distant days is that you saved me. You would doze off in the house all the time. Walking around like a corpse. I was blind, it was like watching an animal who knew that they were about to die."

"You were calm and collective. Calmly but surely, the days went by with you. When I asked if you stopped trying to become a hero, when you stated you wanted to become one, I was agitated that you stopped. You simply said that being a hero becomes harder when you age. And that it was a time-limited thing. So, I told you that I would become one for you. That I'll make your dreams come true... And look at where that got me." Archer said with a dry chuckle. "If anything else, I didn't know why you wanted to become a hero of Justice besides saving people. If there was any motive besides that, then you never told me why or how that dream started. You died in a winter night many years ago, with a smile on your face, content without me realizing you died, just simply thinking you were resting."

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