3. The Wedding

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Skylar sat at the vanity in her chamber while the maids fussed over her hair. She didn't understand it. Her hair was always cut short to the chin, so there was nothing to do with it anyway. She sighed while the servants tried to put on the veil again. She let her eyes follow the thin line of dust collected on the top of the mirror. The chair was too stiff, as if it was a newly made piece of furniture, even though it had been in her room for years. She hadn't been using it much, never felt a need.

Two weeks had passed far too quickly, leaving Skylar anxious and irritable. She left all her affairs in order – she gave her thanks and goodbyes to her soldiers and friends. She also packed her things, which were not much. The General allowed her to bring only one chest of personal belongings, insisting that everything else would be provided in her new home.

"New home." Skylar scoffed.

"What was that, my lady?" the maid asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

The serving girls finally finished securing the veil and were putting the finishing touches on her dress when Aurora entered the room. She stopped and looked at her sister up and down, her eyes shining.

"Look at you, Sky! You look amazing!"

"Oh? I can hardly walk in this thing."

"Don't be so dramatic!" Aurora laughed and shooed the maids away, taking their place and making the last adjustments to the dress. "Do you know what would make you look even better?"

"I don't really care."

"A smile."

"Not happening," Skylar huffed. "I have no reason to smile."

"But aren't you excited even a little bit?" Rori coaxed. "It's your wedding day! It's a once-in-a-lifetime event. And all new life awaits you in the capital. Imagine all the balls and important people you'll meet. You will be dining with the King and Queen themselves!"

"Rori, stop it."

"Stop what?" Aurora asked innocently, still fiddling with the dress.

"Pretending that everything is all right. That this is some happy celebration," Skylar growled. "We both know it's not."

Rori sighed and stepped back, finally looking at her sister. "What do you want me to do then, Sky? Apologise? I already said I am truly sorry."

"But you would do it again, wouldn't you?"

"I would."

"And so, here we are." Sky scoffed and turned her head away.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. But you are so anxious it breaks my heart to see you like this. Trust me, Gawyn Gryphonheart is a good man. I would never scheme all this if I thought he might hurt you."

"I know." Sky sighed. "It's just... he's so... arrogant and cold. And I'm pretty sure he hates me."

"Oh, sweetie!" Aurora closed the distance between them and hugged Sky tightly. For a moment, they both felt like little girls again, looking for consolation in each other's warmth. "It's because it was all so sudden. He was angry with me, not you. And you know, he is very handsome. I wouldn't mind spending my life at his side."

"Stop it!" Sky hissed, pushing her sister away for an arm's length. "The sole thought of this night is making my skin crawl."

"Darling, it will be all right. The General doesn't seem like a brute. I was collecting information on him, but I could hardly find anything. He hasn't been involved in one scandal, and though he was one of the most sought bachelors in the kingdom, he never courted any woman."

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