16. Changes

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Skylar's life at the royal court changed completely. Gawyn no longer patronised her but treated her like a partner. They spent long hours in the evenings discussing the Blighted Lands, its creatures, and dark magic. Skylar wasn't holding anything back. She felt that she mattered for the first time since she left home. That she had something important to offer. Something that no one else could. However, one thing still bothered her greatly and burdened her thoughts a lot.

It was one of the late evenings. Skylar and Gawyn were couped in the strategy room, studying a detailed map of the border with the Blighted Lands and discussing the best ways to defend it in case of invasion.

"How about we station the unit of cavalry here, so they can swoop in if the enemy breaches the main forces?" Gawyn asked, pointing at the section of the map.

"It won't work. The terrain is too steep for horses there," Skylar protested, looking at the map intently. "Although, if we moved them over there..." She pointed to another spot and accidentally brushed Gawyn's hand.

"Sorry," he said, withdrawing his hand right away and taking a sidestep to put more distance between them.

Skylar sighed. It was late, and she was tired and frustrated. She did try to get closer to Gawyn in recent weeks, but there seemed to be an invisible wall between them. He made all the effort not to get too close to her or, gods forbid, touch her. All this time, she kept her cool about it, but finally, her temper once again flared.

She looked him in the eyes. "Am I repulsive to you?"

"What?" Gawyn dropped the token of cavalry he was holding, and his head shot up to look at her.

"Do you find me hideous?" she repeated calmly.

"Don't be ridiculous. Why would you think that?"

"Because lately, you're going out of your way not to touch me more than it's absolutely necessary."

"I'm not... That is..." Gawyn stuttered, clearly uncomfortable. It was the first time Skylar saw him so completely lose his calm and composure.

She cocked her head and raised a brow, waiting for his answer.

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, a gesture Skylar recognised as a sign he was tired and frustrated. "It's because of our contract."

"What contract?"

"The contract you signed the day we were wed?"

"Oh, that thing." Skylar frowned. "So, what about it?"

"It has a clause about us not sharing the bed. You were especially fond of that one," Gawyn said cautiously, looking back at the map.

"Yes, because you were a stranger to me at the time." Skylar took a step closer to him, forcing him to look back at her. "We are not strangers now." 

He didn't step back this time. His eyes were drawn to her face. Her lips.

"We are not, no."

Skylar gingerly raised her hand and caressed his cheek gently. He closed his eyes and leaned to her touch. "I don't mind if it's you touching me," she whispered, afraid he would hear her voice shake in rhythm with her racing heart.

Gawyn took her hand in his and kissed her fingers gently, making a shiver run down her spine. "I'm afraid that if I allow myself to kiss you now, I won't be able to stop," he admitted, his voice low and husky.

Skylar felt heat spreading through her body, starting from her fingers, where she could still feel the gentle touch of his lips lingering. Suddenly, she couldn't breathe. Not before she felt his lips on her once again. "I don't want you to stop," she murmured, barely audible.

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