The Murder of Brianna Denison

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The Brianna Denison case will forever haunt me. Her murder and rape took place in Reno, Nevada. She was kidnapped while sleeping at a friend's house next to the local university. The murderer, James Biela, was eventually caught after they found her body less than a mile from my place of work at the time. They were able to gather enough clues from his previous attacks to pinpoint who he was and demand DNA from his then four-year-old son. It came to light that he'd had her in is house for several days prior to murdering her. And where is it that he lived? One block from me, and next to FBI agents, two sheriffs, and a local police officer. To top it all off, his son was friends with the children of the woman who used to watch my daughter. —Alexia Fields Bliese, Facebook

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