Part 5 - Happy Birthday Nat !

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You woke up super early. Even if you were exhausted, you met Wanda at 5:00am in the kitchen.
"Okay, so Yelena is coming at 7am. We need to do the cake, raspberries and vanilla. While the cake is in the oven we can decorate the room."
"You got it ! Don't stress it's going to be perfect Wanda ! I mean you're organising it so" you smirked.
You prepared everything and at 9:00. You woke up Nat.

"Fuck ?!" She pulled a gun on all of you
"Woah woah woah. Calm down it's us" Wanda said laughing
"Hey Nat" you smiled
"Не стрелям в меня, я твоя младшая сестра" Yelena said rolling her eyes
(don't shoot me I'm your little sister)

"Да, вы, ребята, напугалм меня, до смртм"
(Yeah yeah. You guys, scared the shit out of me)
You and Yelena laughed
"ну это бьіл план Нэт" you said still laughing
(Well that was the plan Nat)
"сукм" Nat responded
You and Yelena gasped and laughed

"So, I didn't understand a thing, can we show her the surprisesssss" Wanda said confused and exited
"What surprise ?!" Natasha asked
"Don't be silly it's your birthday" Yelena said in a duh voice.

"Черт возьмм, я не заметмл" Natasha said
(No shit. I didn't notice)
"Pfff you're the сука" Yelena pouted
(Pfff you're the bitch)
You laughed.
"STOP TALKING IN RUSSIAN OR IM GOING TO TALK IN SOKOVIAN" Wanda screamed, and honestly it made you laugh even more.

"Natasha, I need you to close your eyes" Yelena asked. Wanda came back in with the dresses.
"Okay open"
"OH GOD THIS IS STUNNING. We all have the same !?"
"Yeah ! Y/N payed for everything !"
"It's really no big deal"
"No big deal this is a Jaquemus dress ! Thank you so much. Sorry for insulting you" she said a smiling

"Yeah yeah who's the сука now ?" You laughed
"Okay so the plan is :
- we wear the dresses all day,
- glammed all day
- at 10 breakfast with all the avengers
- movies
- party !"
"Always so bossy Yelena" Wanda laughed
"I just like when things are planned !" She defended herself. "Time to get dressed" she smirked.

At 10 you all were stunning, and went back to the living room where everyone was waiting for Natasha.
"Okay girls you are amazing." Tony just said
"You sure got some game" Sam smirked
Everyone hugged Nat wishing her a happy birthday. They were hugging Yelena, Wanda and you as well. Steve didn't hug you. Not a surprise.

"Woah Y/N looks breathtaking" Bucky said to Steve and Sam.
"Yeah, she's pretty" Steve said thinking out loud.
"Huh ?" Sam said looking at Yelena
"Nothing. She's just a child"
"Except for her tits and ass ?" Bucky said
"Did that bitch tell everyone?!" Steve said loud enough for you to hear.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that part" Wanda said. Her eyes slowly going from green to red.
Steve walked in front of you.
"I said : Did that bitch tell everyone"
He got punched in the face.

"I swear if you say one more thing like that about my best friend I will break you Steve."
"I'm stronger Yelena."

"Okay but Rogers if you touch Yelena. I WILL break you" Natasha smiled
"Come on Nat, we fought before I can take a few punches"

"Can you beat me tho ?" Wanda said in a warning tone.
"Guys stop please. I don't want anyone to fight because of me. Let him think I'm a bitch or whatever. I don't care about him or what he thinks. Now let me say this to you Rogers. If you ruin Natasha's party, or disrespect me or any woman like you did yesterday, I will break you. And we fought before, so do I need to remind you who won ?" You sassed. "Now let's enjoy the breakfast. Like the family that we are"

- Steve's POV -

"How am I supposed to live with her ?"
"Steve she is super nice and caring. Stop being a dick and everything will be fine. She just wants you to stop creating tensions"
"I don't know how to react"
"About what"
"Bucky, a super soldier ? She came right here ? Wants to stop hydra ? Shared life experience? I mean kind of ? Super pretty ?"
"Wait what ? You think Y/N is pretty"
"No, no, no."
"Steve. You said "super pretty""
"Okay maybe. Well she is super cute so. I don't know"
"So wait. You have a crush on her ?"
"No. I hate her. She is just too..."
"You literally don't know her."
"I do, she is annoying. She is just a know it all, like Tony. Incapable of defending herself."
"See you say that because you don't know everything she has been through. But I do Steve, and I swear she is one of the most amazing person on earth."
"Bucky it doesn't matter, is she pretty yes. Do I still hate her ? Yes."
"Will you stop making inappropriate comments ?"
"Yeah yeah."

- your POV -

During the party a few guys offered you to dance with them, but you agreed only when Bucky asked.
"You okay doll ?"
"Yeah I'm huh fine don't worry buck"
"If you need I'm here, just relax for the night, nothing is going to happen"
You just smuggled into his chest and smile
"I feel you're smiling"
"Idiot" you laughed

Only the avengers and Yelena were left at this point.
"We should play '7 minutes in heaven'" Tony suggested
"Ohhhh great idea, I'll spin the bottle" Yelena said
"Wanda !" Tony exclaimed.
"Alright! Let's go"

During the 7 minutes the avengers talked about everything and nothing, Steve was still ignoring you, and you were okay with that.

"Okay who's turn is it ?" Nat asked
"I don't know, Steve ?" Bucky asked
He spins the bottle and it lands on, you. Yeah you. Shit.
"It's a no. Not going in there"
Bucky glared at him.
"Alright. Hurry up"
"Don't give me orders, you're the soldier remember" you said walking past him
He turned and glared at Bucky. Wanda could see through his mind tho...

Once Steve was in the closet she whisper-yelled
"What ?!" Yelena said
"Steve thinks Y/N is pretty ?!" Natasha repeated confused
"I read his mind by accident ! Bucky since when ?"
"He thinks she's attractive. He still hates her, so no point in telling you guys."
"Yeah yeah. Hide the great stuff Barnes" Tony said

"So. Hum"
You glared at him
"I am sorry."
You looked surprised
"excuse me ?"
"I am sorry"
"I- I definitely did not expect that. Why are you so nice all of the sudden Icepop"
"I talked with Bucky and I mean, I still hate you, but maybe if I knew you then I wouldn't."
"Huh. So you want to know me ?"
"Oh no. We're not there yet. But I'm going to stop, ignoring you and everything, NOT friends or anything, just coworkers."
"Well I guess that's a start." You smiled and he looked at you.

The seven minutes had past
"Glad you didn't kill each other." Nat said jokingly
"That's hilarious" Steve said sarcastically.

And after a while the party ended, you were exhausted and fell asleep so quickly.

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