30. Two weeks

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I was close.

Very fucking close.

It was like that saying the straw that broke the camels back. Well all I needed was one straw and I was going to jump Harlan Shepard. I was seconds away from ripping his clothes off.

I don't think I had ever wanted anything more in my whole life. My hands were actually starting to shake as I held myself back.

The date had been wonderful. Harlan had made me laugh basically the whole time and of course he annoyed me also. Like the moment I had found a painting I liked, he looked through the list on the scavenger hunt and when it wasn't there he told me to stop getting distracted. Of course he didn't mean it and let me stand there looking at it for a few more seconds before he began the hunt for the other items on the list again.

At the end when we finished the whole thing Harlan brought me to one last painting. He told me it deserved to be on that list. It was absolutely beautiful even if I had no real art knowledge at all. It was this painting of dancers and Harlan stood there and told me some obviously very made up story about what the painting was based on, something he did with a lot of the art we had seen that day.

By the end of the date I was ready to just pounce on him and I didn't really care that we were in the middle of the museum. Something Harlan probably noticed in my eyes because he just kissed me and asked if I was ready to go home.

The answer had been an obvious yes but still I hesitated because I wasn't sure I was ready for our first date to be over. But my own wants of seeing my man without his clothes on took over and I nodded.

The car ride was torture. I sat there trying to restrain myself as Harlan drove, one hand rested firmly on my thigh. That was almost the final straw, somehow I had surprised myself and now we were parked at my building and I had made it the whole car ride without going totally insane.

"I had a nice time with you today." Harlan said once he put the car in park.

"Why does that sound like a goodbye?" I eyed him.

"I wasn't planning on forcing you to hang out for any longer. I feel like I'm taking over all your time."

"Harlan please shut up and come in with me." I wanted to strangle this man.

I was so close to jumping his bones and here he was trying to leave.

"Does this mean that I can bring this in?" He leaned into the backseat producing a duffel bag.

"I'll clear some space for you." I grinned and leaned forward to press my lips against his.

Was it fast? Yes but I was beginning to not care about that. Harlan and I weren't normal, our relationship wasn't going to follow the normal order of things. He'd move some stuff in after one day of dating.

One day and I was in love.

A little bit of craziness never hurt anyone.

I felt nothing but happiness as Harlan and I walked back up to my apartment. I did have to calm myself enough to not try to rip his clothes off while in the elevator.

The second we walked into my apartment and the door closed all restraint went out the window. I practically leapt on top of Harlan causing him to drop his duffel bag on the floor.

Our mouths moved frantically against each other and it only took a second for Harlan to take over and press me up against the wall of my apartment.

I ran my hands down down his body and I reached the hem of his shirt. Sliding my hands underneath I allowed myself to feel his hot skin against my fingers. I was like an addict and Harlan was my drug. All I needed was his hands on my body and his lips moving against my own.

I had a taste and I was never going to get enough.

"Bedroom." I forced out when his lips left mine and moved against my jaw.

"I quite like it right here." I could feel his smile against my skin.

His hands moved down my sides to my thighs.

"Hold on." He whispered the demand in my ear.

I grabbed his shoulders as he pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he just pressed me harder into the wall.

I was happy for this new position. If I was still standing I had a feeling that my legs would give out at some point. 

As much as I was enjoying the time against the wall I much more enjoyed it when Harlan stepped away with me still wrapped around him and walked us to my bedroom.

I had been waiting for this for what felt like forever. All those years of Harlan trying to get into my pants and me rejecting him, I finally had him. I was actually doing this and I couldn't be more happy.

These clothes wouldn't come off fast enough.

"I could lay like this forever." Harlan mumbled into my neck.

After some of the best sex of my life and the long day I was throughly exhausted. Which was why I didn't want to move from the position Harlan and I were currently in. Harlan was laid out on top of me, his body fitting perfectly between my legs and his face buried into my neck. I used one hand to play with his blond locks.

It was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

"Mmm." I hummed in agreement.

"Now that I have some stuff here, will you think about when we should take the next step and bring all my stuff here?" He lifted his head to look at me.

"Harlan it's been one day." I shot him a stern look.

"Fine, how long should I wait? Two weeks?" He offered.

"We can wait two weeks and then see how we both feel. We don't need to rush anything, we have plenty of time." I assured him.

And we did. I planned to be with him forever. There was no reason we had to rush through this relationship.

"I just like spending time with you and sleeping in the same bed as you." He pouted up at me.

"You can stay here tonight if you want." I told him.

"I would like that." He pressed a kiss to my collarbone and then laid his head back down so he could bury his head into my neck.

It felt good to finally have gotten what I wanted.

I had the man of my dreams.

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