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Like a fish out of the water, her lips parted open in surprise. Shivers run down her spine in a split second, "P-pardon..?"

Instead of clearing things out, the vice president take some steps towards her, inching closer and closer as his body bent down a little to meet her sitting figure. His face is dangerously close to her. Levi's arms caged the chair's armrest, leaving no space between them.

While his secretary is still processing what the fuck is happening, Levi's face inches closer and closer each second towards her. The man then closes his eyes.

And so does (Y/n).

They both lean in towards each other, nearly closing the distance between their lips.

The two are ready to receive their first moment.


-- Flashback--

*(Levi had a vision when he closed his eyes and about to kiss (Y/n))*


"L-levi dear, please go play outside. I w-will.. ggh !!"

The 6 years old boy who's body almost resembled a skeleton, could only watch his mother writhing in pain as a male did some.. weird movements to her.

And it seemed like every move the man made put his mother in vain.

Chuckling deeply, the man then choked his mother, "Your son, huh ? I see you're playing hero now, whore."

He began calling her dirty names.

Tiny Levi, who didn't understand anything back then, watched as his own mother succumbed into the man who forced everything into her. Out of fear, the pale, skinny hand that belonged to Levi, picked up his mother's dress that fell and grasped it close to his chest.

For the man just tore off his mother's clothes.

--End of recap and flashback--

He couldn't.

Levi couldn't do it.

The moment he closed his eyes and was about to show his love for (Y/n), that memory strikes inside his mind. That was why Levi, out of instinct, pushed his secretary away. The image of a suffering woman... his mother.. lingers in his mind. He was not yet ready to face (Y/n).

He didn't want to become the man in his memory...

And now....

"Ms. (L/n) ?"

He takes long strides towards her, "I can explain. please let me-"

"Now I remember..." the woman raises her head slowly, "...about what kind of person you really are."

"W-what are you talking about ?"

(Y/n) lets out a dry laugh, "A clean freak who can only love his reflection on the spotless floor. Everyone else is just an extra in your movie. 'How dare you even dream about me ?' That's what's in your head right now huh ? Is that why you pushed me away ?"

"Ms. (L/n)," he panicked, "this is a big misunderstanding. It's not like that at all."

"Hey... Wanna know something, Mr. Ackerman ?" Danger drips down from her voice.

Levi could only gulp in anticipation.

"If someone asks me when I had my first kiss, now I'll have to contemplate whether to answer with that time with Eld Gin from the class next-door in kindergarten and what happened just now." She gritted out.

"Please, I-"

(Y/n) crudely stood from her seat, facing her boss with a smile displayed on her pretty face. She smiles ever so brightly, "I'm going to take tomorrow off."

He blinked, "...what ?"

"Cause I don't know how to face you." The woman mouthed each word with venom in her voice, "I'll be taking my leave then."

She elegantly walks away from Levi.

"Oh.. before I forgot.." (Y/n) suddenly turns around, baring her teeth at him, "Don't.. even try.. to follow me."

*SLAM !!*

Levi could only watch in defeat as his secretary exits his office angrily.

"Tch.. This is not how it was meant to turn out.." he muttered to himself, realizing the mess he just made.

-------------------------- Later--------------------------

The tired woman slams down her glass of beer in distress, startling her male companion who sits across from her.

"So.. he pushed her chair away as soon as their lips touched ?"

"YES !" (Y/n) raged, "so I..."

'Oh shit..'

She froze. It seems like Porco noticed it too, he even leans forward in curiosity, waiting for the repercussions.

"You what ?" 

(Y/n) clears her throat, "I-I mean... this was a story I read online, and I was even enraged ! Do you have any ideas why ? Why did he have to do that ?" She rambled, trying to cover her mistake for saying 'I'.

"Hm.. It sounds like a sexual desire disorder."

"Wha- Sexual...what ?"

He shrugs, "no need to be shocked. I see many young kids like that these days. It's because they're so stressed, that their body just rejects any stimulus."

"Don't be ridiculous, Pock."

"Why ?" Porco leaned back, "it's not like sexual dysfunction is a crime. But then, I think it's something psychological. To go to such extremes right before a kiss.. seems like a traumatic experience with women or sexual activities. Thus his reaction."

(Y/n) ponders, "..trauma..huh.."

"Nah forget that, now come on. Drink one more glass !"

"Oh please, I have my day off tomorrow."

He raises his arms in the air, "that's why you should drink ! To your death ! Gurl, when else will you get this chance ?"

"Nope. I don't want to waste my precious break with a hangover. I'm going to have a fun-filled day tomorrow. I haven't planned it yet, but I'll be stress free. Hell yeah. Anyways, I'm off now. Bye Pock !"

Porco sighs, "Alright. Take care, dipshit. Don't get into trouble."

With that, the tired secretary makes her way out of the bar, leaving her friend behind.

'That online story (Y/n) just mentioned.. No matter how I think, I think it's actually about her and that dwarf, Levi.'

--------At (Y/n)'s apartment------


"To go to such extremes right before a kiss.. seems like a traumatic experience with women or sexual activities"


Porco's words remain inside her thoughts as she brushes her teeth before bed.

"Just maybe.. Mr. Ackerman might have his reasons." She muttered.

The woman then realizes what she just said out loud, she rolled her eyes, "well, what if he did ? Ha ! I can't believe I'm thinking about him right now."

(Y/n) proceeds to brush her teeth.

But at the back of her mind.. Still..

She's thinking about Levi..

A/N : Wow I never thought I would make it this far. You guys are all amazing (╥﹏╥)  Thank you so much for reading this book I swear-

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