xx. scars

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                                               TW- THIS POEM CONTAIN MENTIONS OF SELF HARM                                          read at your own risk


I look at my scars

I can feel it all over my arms

I can see my salty tears

I'm around all my peers

But one seems to volunteer all unaware

Of the scars going up my arms

I just wanna play my guitar

Maybe become a superstar

I'm gonna break a vase

It's gonna sound the alarms

Told me not to harm

They wanted to see my forearms

All I could do was flinch away in fear

They ask me if I starved

I said I hated carbs

I always loved semicolons

I could feel my arms throb

It made me want to sob.


to anyone who has delt with mental illness I want you to know that you are not alone, everyones experiances with mental illnesses are different but just remember that if you need someone to talk to just message me. I have personaliy delt with depression, anxiety, and late diagnosed adhd. My messges are always open for any of you if you want to talk <3

~hollyanmax xx

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