Chapter 17

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Okay so I hope you are all happy about this update!! After many of you told me to update soon I decided to push myself to get the chapter out there for you all to read. The whole school work thing still stands but as you can see, I have some time and will update! Thanks for all the comments and votes. Keep it up for this chapter!!!

Also I know it may be a little short but I wanted the whole thing to be in Seth's POV. I think we all want to know what goes through his head  :)


Seth’s POV

            The fighting was brutal. Wolves were growling and snapping at each other, tackling each other to the ground. A wolf went sailing over my head. I rolled out of the way before he could land on top of me. I lunged for his neck but he dodged my attack.

            We should have known that they would bring more than five wolves for backup. When I saw the rest of their wolves seep from the woods, the blinding rage I was feeling kicked up a few notches. I was seeing red now.


            They had come prepared for a fight. They had to know we wouldn’t just hand Faye over to them but the reason for it only made me angrier. The Alpha’s son Damien wanted to make her his mate. It didn’t matter if we were imprints or not. Did they not know how that could affect me, let alone Faye? Wolves can’t just abandon their imprints once it happens. If separated, they can become weak, fragile, and desperate which can put them in danger. There have even been cases where they die from the lose. Faye was already not as strong as she should be since she can’t shift.

            I pushed up from the ground and launched at a wolf that was fighting Leah. She had been fighting ever since they shifted with no break. Faye had made it to the house without too much of an incident but I still couldn’t help but worry about her. What was she thinking? Feeling? Was she worried that they were going to take her? Well, they’d do that but only when I’m dead.

            “How’s everyone?” Sam asked through our mind links. We all responded with our own “yes” and “sure”. Even though the other pack had increased in number, they weren’t outnumbering us and we were holding our own.

            A shot of black and white caught the corner of my eye and I turned to see a wolf standing in front of me. The wolf’s fur was mostly black with hints of white spots throughout his coat. At first, I wasn’t sure who it was. It was just another wolf to me but the smirk that seemed to be on his face told me it must be one person. Damien. I growled and prepared for the upcoming fight.

            “Yeah keep smirking buddy,” I said in my head as we moved to circle each other. Every once in a while he would snap at my feet and I’d move out of the way. Then I’d counter but he was fast. I was barely able to make any contact with them. Why won’t he just stand and fight?

            “Sam,” Jacob said through the mind link. Something in his voice made me turn to look in his direction but only briefly. He was fighting a wolf that was smaller than him and didn’t look in distress but his voice sounded like he was concentrating hard. Sam acknowledged him before he continued. “They are fighting us but they aren’t going for the kill. Every time I make a lunge for them, they just dodge it. It’s like they aren’t trying to fight,” he said.

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