Chapter 7

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Dang two updates in one week!!! It probably won't happen a lot so enjoy it while it lasts :) I wasn't really happy with how this chapter ended up but I didn't really feel like changing it. Feel free to disagree and let me know in the comments lol.



       This couldn’t be right. I had been here now for over two weeks and I hadn’t heard anything about this. Surely Seth would have told me if he had known but what Leah is accusing him of seemed unreal. Unless…he didn’t want me as an imprint.

            “Wh-what?” Seth said, flashing his eyes back to Leah who had now brushed Paul and Collin’s hold off. She came to stand right in front of her brother, pushing past Sam.

            “You know what. I’ve been watching you. I’m not stupid. I see things and after talking to Faye, the puzzle pieces fit baby brother. Do you deny that I’m right?” Leah asked. I took a step forward closer to them but the question stopped me. If he said that she was lying, then one of two things could happen. She could have been wrong or he could be, as a consequence, rejecting me.

            Seth looked at Sam who stood looking at the two. He didn’t move a muscle. Then Seth’s eyes shifted back to me. I looked at him confused. My heart was beating rapidly, afraid of his answer. He took a deep breath.

            “You’re right. Faye is my imprint,” he said never taking his eyes off me. Tears immediately came to my eyes and I took a step back as if I had just received a blow to the chest. On one hand, I could feel my wolf move and heart leap in joy. Seth was my imprint. It explained all my feelings that had been developing. But in the same breath my heart was also breaking. How long had he known and hadn’t told me?

            The room was quiet as everyone looked back and forth between Seth, Leah, and I. No one made a move. No one made a sound. Just silence. Seth stepped around Leah and tried to come closer to me but I took a step back once again, causing him to halt in his advances.

            “Faye, I swear I was going to tell you,” Seth said softly. I looked around the room to see the others standing awkwardly, no one knowing what to do.  I wiped at the tears that trailed down my cheeks without my consent. “Faye…”

            “How long Seth? How long have you known that I was your imprint?” I asked, my voice raising slightly the longer I talked. I was silently praying that it hadn’t been when we first met at the beach. Not when he stormed off to talk to Sam.

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