Chapter 29....

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Seeing Josie sitting here with my family, talking animatedly with my mom, I had the sudden feeling that I could get use to this. Use to seeing Josie hanging out with my family, laughing and acting like she's been apart of my family since day one.

I was right in knowing my mom would love her. Josie just had that way about her and add in the fact she was downright amazing. When I had asked her if she wanted to come today I wasn't fully expecting her to say yes. I knew it was early for her to meet my family but when I was with her it felt like I've known her for years.

Our date on Saturday was just plain amazing. Seeing her face light up when we walked into the art gallery. While Josie was busy staring at the artwork I was busy staring at her. Noticing the way her nose scrunched up when she was deep in thought, how her eyes seemed to sparkle when she saw something she loved.

And then going to Rick's. I loved that she wanted to go and get a hamburger to eat. I'm all for a woman who can eat. Who isn't afraid to eat in front of me. I've gone on plenty of dates where the women get tiny little salads and push it around with their forks. I'm not going to judge you for eating. So seeing Josie stuff a huge hamburger in her mouth was weirdly attractive.

I won't lie though, the best part of the date was at the ice rink. The fact that I was the one to teach her set off this inner possessiveness inside of me. It was me who taught her, held her as she failed to skate. Me who she trusted to catch her when she fell.

Although I did watch her fall...multiple times. At first she had been hellbent on learning by herself so I stood back and let her do it on her own. Watching her fall on her ass was a bit more entertaining than I'd ever admit out loud. I had tried to give her tips but after the third death glare I just put my hands up and kept my advice to myself.

When she finally let me teach her I was basically on cloud nine. Being able to touch and be near her. It had taken everything in me not to just grab her and kiss her. Especially when I saw the way she bit her bottom lip as she concentrated. She had absolutely no clue how beautiful she is. And that just made her even more attractive to me.

I grinned to myself as I remembered the look on her face when she hit her first ever puck. The wide eyes, parted lips, and that dorky fist in the air as she cheered. It was literally the cutest thing I had ever seen. It was that moment I knew I was truly fucked. I was already hers and she had no idea.

The amount of self control I had not to push her into her apartment and take her right then and there. I deserved a metal for not doing just that. Especially when she looked up at me with those gorgeous doe like brown eyes that were begging for me to fuck her. I'm not fully sure why I didn't but I do know given the chance again I wasn't going to say no.

A hand squeezing my thigh brought my out of my thoughts, thankfully before my thoughts turned dirtier and I suddenly had a raging hard on with my mom next to me.

I looked over at Josie as she smiled and nodded at something my mom said. She had absolutely no clue how bad I was wrapped around her finger. I knew I should be paying more attention to my little brothers game but all my thoughts were consumed by Josie and honestly I didn't care. Not one bit.

I glanced over to Landon clenching my jaw. Him insinuating that Josie was a reporter and here for something more pissed me off. He couldn't be further from the truth. I was literally seconds away from snapping at him when Josie held her own.

She wasn't going to let my brother get to her and that alone filled me with pride. She wasn't going to take shit. I knew as soon as my brother dropped his asshole persona him and Josie would get along great. He just better do it before I do more than knock him on the back of the head like my mom did.

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