Chapter 39....

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"Since I just turned 18 ready for that date?"

An arm draped over my shoulders as walked out into the backyard. I glanced up at Mateo who smirked down at me.

"Depends what you have in mind. Go carts may be too much for you, want to try bumper cars?"My response was met with chuckles and a few 'burns'.

"I don't mind sharing a bumper car with you. I'll even let you sit on my lap." The wink Mateo sent me had me rolling my eyes but a smile tugged at my lips. Both of us knew he meant nothing by it. Despite that fact that he just turned 18, he knew I was his brothers girlfriend.

I liked Mateo though. In a way he was almost like the younger brother I've always wanted. Someone to joke around and be goofy with. For some reason he also brought out my sarcastic side; like right now.

"In your dreams." I patted his chest before slipping out from under his arm. With all of his friends watching me I sent him a wink and sauntered over to where Sydni and Wyatt's mom were currently standing and talking.

"I'm so glad you girls could make it." Wyatt's mom, Evelyn, said as I walked up.

"Of course. Plus I couldn't pass up your homemade chocolate cake." I've heard nonstop about how good Evelyn's chocolate cake is.

"That's all Wyatt could talk about on the way here." Literally as soon as we got in the car he went on about how great it was and how he was planning on sneaking some home with us.

"Speaking of my son, where is he?"

"He went inside a few minutes ago." As soon as I spoke her eyes widened.

"Oh he better not be." Without another word, Evelyn took off for the house. Sydni and I shared a look before following after her.

Evelyn was a step ahead of us as she headed right for the kitchen, only to pause mid-step. Peaking around the corner I clamped a hand on my mouth so I wouldn't burst out laughing. Leaning over the counter were four grown ass men with forks caught midair and half in their mouths. Sitting in front of them was a half eaten chocolate cake.

Wyatt, Landon, Trevor and Bryton all stood around the kitchen counter looking at Evelyn with wide eyes. The fact that they were hiding out in here stuffing their faces with cake was priceless.

"Is anyone going to explain?" Evelyn crossed her arms and waited. Beside me Sydni covered her own laughter at the scared look that passed over all of their faces. They clearly didn't expect to be caught red handed.

The four of them exchanged looks but said nothing. I grabbed onto Sydni's arm as Trevor pulled the fork from his mouth and slowly brought it back down to the cake. No one said a single word as he took another bite of the cake all the while Evelyn stood there watching. It was like he had a death wish. When she took a step forward I almost lost it at the way all four flinched.

"You are grown men. Grown men."

Wyatt and Bryton glanced over at Sydni and I, looking at us almost like they wanted us to save them. We both shook our heads. Here is Wyatt shoveling cake into his mouth when just three days ago he was giving me shit about liking cake batter. So nope he was on his own. Karma's a bitch.

"Sorry." Bryton spoke around a mouthful of cake.

Evelyn stared at them for another second before she shook her head.

"You guys are lucky I made multiple cakes. But if I see any of you touching those other cakes, I don't care if you are adults, I will ground you." While it was comical that Evelyn was threatening to ground four grown ass men, you could tell she was beyond serious. The tone in her voice leaving no room for argument.

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