Where it all Began

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I used to be sort of happy, I was young and I was in love. At least that's what I like to believe. I had met my significant other at the age of 17, we had met in summer school. At first I despised him, thinking about how immature he was for clowning around while I was trying my hardest to pass the class. He grew onto me though. He said the right words and did the right things. Before I knew it I was falling in love with him. We dated, broke up, got back together and dated in secret, then got married at 19. Soon after we got married I started to notice things were not okay. My grandfather had passed away not even a month after my wedding. I went through the pain of losing a loved one with my family, meanwhile my husband stayed home and watched porn, and not just any type of normal porn, he was watching necrophiliac porn and girls getting drugged or killed and getting raped. I had to go out of town for the funeral so I found out about this as soon as I got back home. I had a gut feeling telling me to check his phone and when I checked and saw all those disgusting searches I stayed, instead of doing what any sane person would do I stayed. I was going to try and make things work, I was not about to get divorced that soon and prove everyone right. Of course though, I should've listened to my instinct. Sadly that was just the beginning of it.

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