Break up then make up

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I had lasted a whole year in a relationship with this person before breaking up with them. I think to myself now, why did I want to go back? I was only 18 with a future ahead of me, yet I truly wanted to make things work with him... believing he was the love of my life. I had invested so much into him just to give up when things got rough? I decided to make up and get back together. He decided I wasn't worth it because everyone around him told him I wasn't good for him. Did they ever decide to get my side of the story? Did anyone really try to understand why I made the sudden choice to break up with him? No. I should have realized by then that I was better off not going back and moving on with my life. I had a whole sea of opportunities, plans I had wanted to fulfill. I decided it was harder on me moving past this so I begged with all my being for him to reconsider. WHY SHOULD I BEG? I do not understand why in the world did I have to beg for a second chance, when in reality, I broke up with him for a reason. I had always made plans and would do whatever i needed to do in order to keep my planned dates with him on schedule. Yet he always bailed, made excuses, and found ways to leave me waiting multiple hours without a reply on whether the plans were still on. In a moment of rage I decided I deserved better. As soon as I sent the we are over text, my heart was filled with regret due to the fear of having to start over, that there was why I had to beg. I would have rather settle for less than to start fresh with someone new. After many days of begging him to reconsider and multiple demonstrations of my love for him, we made up.... Unfortunately that was the worst choice I had made.

The Boy That Broke MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon