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The week past by fairly quickly for me, considering everything. And by fairly quickly I mean painfully slow. Since I didn't have any extra cash, I couldn't do anything. On Friday Jason came over along with Dami.

I gripped my pen as I walked to the door. Looking through the peep hole I relaxed as I saw the two boys. Wondering if I should open the door or not. Jason had not seen my apartment, yet. And I'd like to keep it like that. Keeping the chain against the door, I peep the door open. Trying to keep the smile off my face, " I'm not interested in your cookies."

Jason laughed, " Just open the damn door, Jackson."

" Tch." Dami shook his head.

Shutting the door, I take the chain off, opening it a few inches wider. " Want do you guys want?"

" We thought you could use the company." Jason pushed the door open. " Damn Jackson, even I have more shit this is."

" Gee thanks." Rolling my eyes, shutting the door after Damian came in with a curt nod. At least he has manors, " In my defense I need more to go to my college fund. Plus, I have enough."

" Enough for what?" Jason scoffed.

" Sorry I don't need a seventeen room mansion." I walked over to the fridge, looking in I saw four water bottles and a can of Coke, " Do you want a water?"

" Is that all you have?" Jason laughed.

Rolling my eyes I grabbed two bottles and set them on the counter. Jason was pissing me off. I might not have much but I make do. I crossed my arms and leaned on the counter. " What is your deal?"

Jason turned from examining my mattress, " What do you mean?"

" I know it doesn't look like it, but I've worked hard for this. Not everyone gets a good father figure that will pay for everything and give you safety and food and money! And I'm proud of how far I've come. And I thought that you would be one of the people to understand how hard it is to get this far with next to nothing."

Jason looked shocked and started to talk. But I interrupted, " Think of what your going to say next. Because I will not have someone come in and trash me for trying to have a normal life."

Damian was looking between us with a bored face. Jason had his mouth open slightly, trying to find the right words. " You're right. I'm sorry. You have worked hard for this."

I nodded, " Good. Now do you want your water now?"

" That's it?" Jason asked, " I came in and trashed your house and then your fine."

Shrugging, " Look, dude, life is really too short to hold grudges. Only hold grudges who have done something really wrong. And if it wasn't there fault. Plus it is kind shitty."

Jason grinned slightly. But took the water. I walked over to the mattress and handed Dami the bottle, " How are you holding up without me, Little D?"

" Fine, Jackson." He shook his head but instead of his usual pissed face he looked peaceful.

" It's fine. I'll be back soon, it can't be that bad." I slung an arm around his shoulders.

Jason slowly took a seat beside me, all three of us sitting on my twin mattress. " We brought games, so we can play."

I looked at the bag he left by the door. Seeing a game peek out of the bag. " Oh, I'm gonna kick your ass at monopoly."

" Like hell you will!" Jason laughed. Damian only glared at both of us.

As it turned out, we were both wrong. Damian is surprisingly really good at monopoly. But after we play monopoly we played Sorry and Chutes and Ladders. By the time we finished rematches and getting Jason to stop pouting, it was pretty late. Damian had fallen asleep while I was trying to get Jason off the floor.

" I'll walk you down." Most of the reason why I wanted to walk them down was so Jason didn't "accidentally" hit Dami's head on the wall.

After we had successfully gotten Dami to the car accident free, and gotten him in the car. " So, you've been driving yourself insane with being stuck here?"

I laughed, " Just a bit. You coming over pretty much made my week."

" Topped getting stabbed?" Jason laughed, looking at the ground and shook his head, " I'm still sorry we dragged into that."

" Wow. Never thought I would hear Red Hood apologize." I smirked at him.

" I'm gonna take it back."

I laughed, " But I really don't mind. It was kinda fun."

" Even getting stabbed?" Jason asked. Leaning on the hood of his car. I joined him, sitting beside him.

" Especially getting stabbed. It's so fun." I rolled my eyes, but made sure he was joking. I didn't want him to feel bad, since it wasn't a big deal.

" How are you so calm about everything? Like, even finding out about the basement parties and getting stabbed." Jason looked at me. Trying to find something in my eyes to answer his questions.

I looked down, " Um, well, I have a pretty crazy family." I looked back up at him, " But hey, maybe one day I'll tell you the story of how I almost died."

" You mean six days ago?" Jason wanted to laughed but was obviously concerned but he hid it well. The only give away was the perched eyebrow and the slightly shocked look in his eyes.

" That was nothing." I smile. Trying to pull it off as a joke. I stood up from the hood, knowing that if I stay any longer I would probably spill my whole laugh story or say something a lot worse.

" Your crazy, Jackson." He shook his head.

" Maybe." I shrugged. I started walking backward to the door.

Jason bit his lip and looked at me. " No maybe. Your are bat shit crazy."

" I sea what you did there." I smirked, knowing my pun. " But I think you are just bat crazy."

Jason looked up at the sky and groaned, " Come on, Jackson. That was such a bad pun."

" Did I make you angry enough to put a red tint on everything?" I asked with an almost emotionless face.

" Im leaving, before they get worse." Jason pushed off his hood and tried to make a speedy escape to his car.

" So you've finally hood enough." This time I couldn't hold it in. I bit my lip but ended up letting out a laugh.

" Oh, god, Jackson." Jason sat in his seat and shook his head. Turning the car on, " I'll see you later, Jackson."

" I'll wave good bye." I laughed.

" Your an idiot Jackson."

" Oh, you love me." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Jason seemed to freeze, " Yeah, whatever.

" Bye, Todd," Since he seemed so content on calling me by my last name. I waved to him then turned back to my apartment.

1167 words


It's short, sorry. So hopefully this chapter persuaded some of the Dick x Percy, just so the ships are all over the place since I still have no idea who I'm going to go with.

And sorry I haven't updated earlier, I'm in quarantine two weeks before school starts, so yay. We love that.

Also, don't stay up late or be late because you want to read my book. I'm not held responsible for that and it's not good for you, so please, go to bed at a reasonable time and get to places at a reasonable time. Please and thank you.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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