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When I woke up, I heard voices whispering to each other. " Let her sleep, you can take her home tomorrow."

" What if she has something tomorrow?" Clark asked.

" Then it's lucky you can race a bullet and win." Lois rolls her eyes.

I groan and sit up, " Oh, hey. How was your date?"

" Oh, I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Lois asked.

" It's fine, I should probably head home anyway." I smiled, standing up.

" Are you sure? You can stay in the guest room and Clark can take you home tomorrow." Lois gently pushed me down. I looked at Clark, and he looked about ready to pass out on a bed. Did I really want to make Clark take me home right now?

" I guess." I shrug.

Lois seemed happy for some reason. " Great," Lois pulled my arm towards the stairs, " I can just give you some clothes to sleep in."

" Yes, please." I smiled and followed her to her room.

After I woke up to Jon jumping on the bed, getting in trouble and going down to eat, I made the bed and walked down stairs. I was going to tell Lois I was getting a ride from a friend when I got a call. Quickly pulling out my cellphone to see a call from Bruce, " Hello?"

" Jackson."

" Wow, Dami, I'm not even to Percy yet?" I joked, going into a hallway off of the living room.

" Father would like to inform you that we are coming back tomorrow so Father would want your presence Monday." Damian said briefly.

" Yeah, sounds- Jon! Don't run with scissors!" I scold the boy, even though he is invincible.

Jon immediately looks guilt and slows his pace, " Sorry, Miss Percy."

" Who was that?" Damian asked.

" Oh, Jon? A boy a babysit. But I can be there Monday."

" I thought you watched me." Damian didn't even ask, he was pointing it out.

" I can do both. Maybe at the same time, you guys could be friends. Maybe you could even learn some manors from him." I joke.

" Whatever." Damian hung up abruptly.

" I was kidding about learning manors, god." I rolled my eyes as I told basically no one. Stepping out of the hallway, " Hey, Lois? My friend is going to pick me up so I'm gonna walk to the end of the dirt road."

" Oh, do you want us to give you a ride?" Lois popped her head in from the kitchen.

" No, I've got it. Bye Jon! Bye Lois, Clark." I waved to the small boy but he ran to hug me. Lois came from the kitchen and gave me some cash.

" When will I see you again?" Jon asked, tears in his eyes.

I pat him on the head before wrapping my arms around, " Talk to your parents about that, but I had fun with you last night."

" Me, too. Please don't leave Miss Percy."

" We can hang out whenever your parents want me to, alright. I'll see you soon." I give him another hug, squeezing tightly. I bit my lip as he squeezed a bit to hard, but I just patted him on the back to release me. Ruffling his hair, I go to open the door. 

" Okay." Jon pouted with his bottom lip sticking out, cheeks slightly puffed out.

I tried not to coo as I walk out the door. I began my trek to the end of the road before calling Black Jack. Quickly getting on, I check the little wad of cash. " Holy, shit, Lois!"

Examining the fifty dollars. " Is this real?"

Looks like it, boss. And enough to get some donuts.

" Yeah, this is going straight to my college fund." I pat him on the neck.

After flying to Gotham, I went into a Seven Eleven and got a cheap pack of donuts. Quickly, I fed the donuts to Black Jack and gave him a fare well. Walking out of the alley, I quickly made my way home.

" Percy?"

I turned around to see a man and a women in a wheel chair. Dick runs slightly to catch up to me but makes sure not to leave the red head. " Hey, Dick."

" How are you?" He asked.

" Oh, I good, kinda tired." I shrugged.

" Yeah, I heard you babysat Jon last night, that must be pretty tiring." Dick laughs.

" Yeah, I think I'm going to just go home and crash after getting some food." I glanced over at the women and accidentally made eye contact. I smiled, then extended my hand towards her, " I'm Percy."

" I'm Barbra." She smiled back.

" Maybe we can all get some food together?" Dick asked, looking between us.

" I was gonna get some fast food or something, nothing too fancy."

Barbra smiled at me, and Dick nodded. " I'm down if you don't have to get back soon."

" Yeah, I just started my lunch break, so I'm free." Barbra nodded and we all starting heading to the closest fast food restaurant.

" So, where do you work?" I asked Barbra.

" I work at the Gotham Library." The redhead almost lit up at the mention of her job.

" Oh, that sounds fun. How did you meet Dick?" I asked, holding the door open.

" Oh, we went to school together," She answered.

" She actually does some basement work, she's our eyes and ears." Dick put a hand on her back.

" Oh, the girl in the chair!" Slightly quoting another superhero movie.

Barbra smiled, " Yeah, it keeps me busy between shifts at work. So, how did you two meet?"

" Oh, I babysit at the manor." I answer as we choose a table.

" Oh, so you must have been wondering where Cass was?" Barbra smiled.

" Sorry to interrupt but I can get the food while you guys talk," Dick smiles. We both nod and give him our orders.

" Cass? I thought there was just Damian and Tim?" I asked.

" Oh, he has a lot of kids." The librarian laughs.

" Really?" I asked. When she nodded, " He probably didn't expect me to last this long. But where has she been?"

" A related to her personal problems." Barbra smiled softly, " I was helping her behind the scenes so that's why I haven't been around."

" Oh, I can't wait to met her." I smiled.

" She's a very sweet girl." Barbra replied as Dick came back with our food.

1060 words


Ayye it's spooky season.

So, I might rewrite this chapter depending on how it goes. I feel like I'm just spring on different characters out of the blue and I don't know much about Cass besides she was raised to be a weapon by her father and doesn't speak much.

Plus, instead of expanding the bat family I might shift her to going more heroish and being a ten mother to like season two young justice. But I just wanted to give y'all an update so, here it is. For now, at least.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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