Chapter 12 - [Epilogue]

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Ryueen Kakeru POV

If I have to describe my life up to now in one word. I wouldn't hesitate to say that it's fcking boring.

Everything's the same. The things I do - the things I have to do and the things I've done.

It's all an endless routine.

I got sick of it of it of course and that's what lead to me being the way I am. I used to brawl with other people often for no particular reason.

Fight some arrogant bitches for no particular reason.

Get beaten up for no particular reason

Then finnally Teach them who stands on top again using dispicable means to win. Look, nothing else matters as long as you're the victor so don't fcking judge.

Tho, I was pretty wild if I do say so myself back in the old days Kukuku

But then it happened - Everyone got scared shitless that no one even approached me anymore. There were those who did want revenge but God that also got boring.

Everything... Eventually repeated it self again.

The fck happened? Sure, it was a little different but that doesn't change the fact that everything's beginning to repeat again.

Everything's one big routine. Where the fcks the excitement in that!?

That was the gist of my life until I received a recommendation to this school. With nothing better to do - I accepted it.

And oohhhhhh boy that was one of the best decision in my life.

The moment I took my first step in this school, I suddenly felt like I got reborn.
People would say that this was one of the best school in our country but I know that wasn't all.

Everything was different here. Except for the shitty lessons that happen almost every fcking day!; everything here... Excites me!

"Let's start the first special exam shall we?"

Currently we were on a deserted island. Even I didn't expect this.... But that's what makes it exciting.

Upon receiving all of the rules and instructions, I suddenly got a crazy idea-

"Sensei" I approached our homeroom teacher. He gave me curious look but I just shrugged and continued asking my question
"What happens when our S-Points hit dead zero?" Grinning, I ask a rather vague question.

The old man laughed suddenly. After a short while he gave me an answer "Nothing. Ones it hits zero that's all there is to it. It won't go down to negative or anything"

Even though the latter wasn't part of my question, he still gave me the information I needed.

"Kukuku. Thanks sensei" I walked over to my class where everyone was giving me worried glances

For people who supposedly hate me, they sure are weird to rely on me nonetheless. Kukuku

"Okay bitches gather around. I'm gonna explain what we'll be doing for the rest of the island exam"

I could hear murmurs discussing the content of the exam. Some were trying to formulate some plans. Set some goal and so on.

"Just get it over with" looking tired and everything, a blue haired girl responded.

"Ryueen-san. Are we gonna do something this exam?"

Ahhhh. My class has some weird chemistry here. The corner of my lips couldn't help but curve upwards.

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