Bonus Story - [A Different Perspective]

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Matsushita Chiaki POV

Hehe~ this is By far the best Summer that ever Happened in my life.

Please don't blame me. I'm a sheltered kid.... Well not really. But you should get the point 

And now. You should be asking why this is by far the best summer.

Well the answer is quite simple actually. It's all because of a certain boy.

A boy who's very mysterious, unique and simply the best. Ofcours the person I'm talking about should be Ayanokōji Kiyotaka-kun

Well it's just Kiyotaka-kun now. I managed close the distance between by that much. I was so happy when he agreed but contrary to my joy. He just acted like it was no big deal.

I mean sure, it's just a name. But it means so much to me!

Back to the point. I was currently in my room. But the difference is that it occupies one more person besides me.  Yes it was Kiyotaka Kun.

Don't worry we didn't do anything pervy.... So don't even think about it ehem*

I just wanted to give him a haircut. Well I did have the chance and I wasn't gonna let it pass.

It was a fun experience and since it was with Kiyotaka-kun. was Fun..ner? Anyways it was more fun than it should have been.

It's always more fun when I'm with him.......

Yes I'll admit. I may have a small crush on him...

It's only natural right....? Besides... It's only a little...

Just the tiniest bit...


Juuuussst.. a little.....

Sigh Fine... I surrender. I have a crush on him — a big one — it's borderline love but I don't really know.

I'm new to the experience. So I can't tell what it is. But I can confidently say that I like him. A lot.

Why? Hmmmm I don't really know myself... But that doesn't matter.A wise man once said.

"Don't try to find a reason for somebody's Love!" -a Golden Buddha

And I agree wholeheartedly with that. Hehe~

What....? I'm a maiden after all. A teenage one at that. And besides, who wouldn't fall in love with him?

.... Well maybe idiots wouldn't.

Don't worry. That's just my opinion. Everyone has different tastes and likings.

But I can't describe people who doesn't like him anything but that word.

Well... I guess he was fairly popular in the early days. But soon people forgot about him. Although I can't really blame them.  Hes like the embodiment of the phrase 'doesnt stand out'

Like what one of my friends said. Quote on quote "Ayanokōji-kun is Handsome.... But.... He's boring. Sigh what a waste of looks"

Don't worry... She's not my friend anymore...

That.... is kinda true...but I won't dig deeper in to the topic.

My point is.... He is Like that but I won't say he's boring. They just don't know him that much.

And besides. He did say that him not standing out is intentional....

Sigh Well. I guess that's what's unique about him. Every trait he has now is what led me to this feeling after all.

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