C H A P T E R 9

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Chapter 9: The Rising Star Cultivation Battle, Part 1

After retiring to his chamber for the night, Liu Xiao was unaware that Wu Qingge had been elevated to the rank of inner disciple at Mount Hua Peak. This promotion, which stirred envy and disapproval among many disciples, was now beyond reproach or torment due to Master Mo Xian's personal endorsement, following Chen Yi's full report of the incident.

Crucially, Wu Qingge's quarters were situated mere miles from Liu Xiao's chamber. Upon discovering this, Liu Xiao found his rest disturbed by the thought of an unguarded attack from Wu Qingge. This development was not part of the original narrative; the plot had taken another unforeseen turn.

Night had fallen, and the chirping of crickets resonated from behind his house. Liu Xiao had returned just before dawn and had slept soundly until late afternoon when he awoke to a setting sun and the rising moon.

Lost in contemplation, Liu Xiao was roused by a gentle knock at the door. Recognizing the pattern, he knew instantly who it was. He smoothed out his lower robe, hastened to the door, and opened it to greet his visitor. "This disciple pays respect to Master Mo Xian. To what do I owe the honor of your visit, Master? Has something occurred?" he inquired, ushering his Master inside.

Master Mo Xian settled into a bamboo chair with a soft smile and took a moment to gather his thoughts. Meanwhile, Liu Xiao served tea for them both and patiently awaited Mo Xian's impending revelations as he sipped his tea.

In two days, the Rising Star Cultivation Battle will commence," announced Liu Xiao. Instantly, the tea in his mouth sprayed across his master's face. "Ack! Fuck!"He exclaimed, "I am so sorry, Master! "In a frantic effort, Liu Xiao used the hem of his robe to clean his master's face.

Mo Xian paused and then advised, "Stay calm, Liu Xiao. Your robe was only mended yesterday; try not to soil it." Liu Xiao rubbed his temples and settled into the bamboo chair. Mo Xian observed him for a moment before clapping his hands together and saying, "I understand your anxiety. If you're reluctant, there's no need to participate."

"I'm definitely going!" Liu Xiao declared as he rose to his feet. I must go! It's the main plot where Wu Qingge was already known to the cultivation world after he ranked second and defeated Liu Xiao in the competition. I remember Liu Xiao being so humiliated that he dared to put poison on Wu Qingge's food just to destroy his meridians, but it didn't work because he was already cultivating the black lotus.

It maintains your physical and mental health and automatically heals your wound. I must watch the match where all the peak masters are surprised by an outer disciple rising through the ranks! Even though he's an inner disciple now, the fight must be satisfying and amazing!

Mo Xian was taken aback by Liu Xiao's response, but soon after, a cheerful smile graced his face. "Don't worry if you don't make it onto any rankings. This master will never feel ashamed of you, regardless of your actions. I am here to support whatever decisions you make on your journey," he said in a gentle, hushed tone.

Feeling somewhat guilty for his earlier impudence, Liu Xiao averted his gaze. A heavy silence filled the room until Liu Xiao broke it. "Master, what became of the black lotus essence?" he inquired.

Mo Xian's warm smile shifted to a somber, earnest expression. "The truth is, I'm not certain of its purpose. When they attempted to unravel the binding cloth around it, demonic qi began to seep out, injuring many elders. Consequently, we secured it within the Jingyang cave—a sanctuary of peace—beyond anyone's reach and decided to first understand its nature," Mo Xian recounted.

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