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Chapter 59: The Final War, Part 2

After Liu Xiao ignited the fireworks secured to his waist belt, a parchment veiled in shimmering yellow spiritual energy drifted gracefully into his outstretched hand. As the paper reached his grasp, it fragmented into a shower of tiny shards, eliciting a faint whisper that filled the air. "Brother Liu! Hurry to the floating palace!" Chen Yi's urgent voice echoed in the chamber.

Liu Xiao's gaze lingered on the dissipating remnants of the parchment, his mind racing with questions. He turned his attention to the cowering nobles clustered in the hall's recesses. "What are you all still doing here? Leave now!"

Exercising restraint, Liu Xiao refrained from unleashing Huangtian's fury upon the emperor and his retinue. He surmised that the old palace master likely orchestrated the unfolding chaos, cognizant of the clandestine mission undertaken by the four Peak Masters' disciples to eliminate the demon cult leaders without alerting anyone, even him—the pivotal figure in the cultivation realm.

Lost in thought, Liu Xiao contemplated the scattered debris strewn across the crimson-carpeted floor, his mind awash with uncertainty and apprehension. I expected that the old man would know about it someday, but seeing that his plan has now been destroyed, what will he do now?

"Huangtian!" Liu Xiao called out, and the majestic mythical bird turned its gaze toward him with a deep growl. With a gentle motion, Huangtian scooped up the unconscious emperor in its talons and approached Liu Xiao.

As Liu Xiao extended his hand to touch Huangtian's radiant feathers, a soothing warmth enveloped him, calming his nerves and easing his tension. He shook off the drowsy sensation that threatened to overtake him and steadied himself before mounting the creature.

The feathers beneath Liu Xiao felt as soft and comforting as they appeared. He glanced back at Wu Qingge, who was commanding the demon flames to purge the remaining demon cultivators that had fled the palace. "Wu Shidi, join me!"

Together, they departed from the imperial palace, soaring through the skies toward the floating palace. Huangtian's powerful wings spanned wide, carrying them swiftly across vast distances in mere moments. Liu Xiao's unruly locks whipped around, occasionally brushing against Wu Qingge's face, prompting an awkward apology.

Wu Qingge laughed softly and leaned in closer, whispering into Liu Xiao's ear. "No need to apologize. Your hair smells delightful."

Liu Xiao playfully pushed Wu Qingge away, his cheeks flushing slightly. Changing the subject, he turned to face Wu Qingge as they continued their journey. "Wu Shidi, do you think the outcome of this war will be favorable?"

Unable to hear clearly over the rushing wind, Wu Qingge tilted his head, prompting Liu Xiao to lean closer. Inadvertently, their lips brushed against each other's ears, causing Liu Xiao to pause mid-sentence, an unspoken question lingering between them.

Wu Qingge: "....."

Liu Xiao: "....."

Liu Xiao's heart raced as he became acutely aware of their proximity, his cheeks ablaze with embarrassment. In his mind, he scolded himself for the awkwardness of the situation, fighting the urge to either recoil in embarrassment or leap off Huangtian's back in a fit of embarrassment. However, he refrained from acting on either impulse, deeming them equally foolish.

Just as he attempted to pull away, Wu Qingge seized the back of his head, preventing his retreat and drawing him closer. Their lips met in a sudden, unexpected kiss, the pressure firm and unyielding as their breath mingled.

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