Chapter 8

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Leah POV

Our laughter filled the room as we cleaned. It was Tuesday, and we had just started work today. Mary, Amelia, and I mopped the hallways as we chatted.

"Remember when Sam tried flirting with that girl?" Mary chortled, pointing at me.

"And she gave him her boyfriend's number?" We laughed in unison. I turned to Amelia, who was looking confused.

"Her brother tried flirting with a girl who already had a girlfriend, and instead of getting her number, he got her boyfriend's instead," I explained, laughing throughout the story. Amelia inclined her head and laughed. The three of us shared stories and slid around the halls.

"We're running low on mopping solution." Mary tipped the bottle upside down, and a small drop escaped the lid.

"I'll go get some more." Amelia slid across the floor, trying to keep upright as she turned the corner. Once she was out of view, Mary continued mopping the floor.

"So, do you want to talk about it?" The happy feeling was no longer in the room, in its place, a slight tension.

"I'm not sure we have to." I avoided Mary's gaze and kept my focus on cleaning the floor. A hand on my mop stopped me. I sighed heavily and looked at Mary. She had a serious look on her face as she analyzed me. 

"Leah, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on." She pleaded, walking to stand in front of me. I averted her sad eyes and stared at the floor instead.

"Leah, please look at me. I want to help." I hesitated before peering up at her. She was blurry due to the tears threatening to escape my eyes. Mary let my mop drop to the floor and wrapped her arms around me. My tears fell down my cheeks as I held onto Mary.

"He just-I just," I cried, taking a breath before I continued, "he just reminded me of Lucas." Mary rubbed my back after I spoke. "I just-" I let out a choked sob.

"Shh, it's ok. I know what you mean." She cut me off. After another moment of hugging and tears, I pulled myself away from her. I sniffed and patted the tears off, my face. Amelia could come back at any moment. As I hid my face from my previous tears, Mary picked up our mops and handed mine to me. I gave her a smile when I took it from her. 

"Thank you, Mary, but maybe we could talk about it later." She gave me a sympathetic smile and nodded. The two of us began mopping once more. A few minutes later, Amelia turned the corner, carrying a new bottle of mopping solution.

"Sorry I took so long, I had to avoid all the halls we just mopped." She clarified as she walked up to us, slipping slightly at a wet area on the floor.

"It's all good," I replied. The three of us continued mopping again, exchanging stories and jokes. Roughly an hour passed when Romero walked by. He noticed us and walked over.

"Hey girls." He greeted. "I need one of you to set up the dining table and the other two to make lunch. We are having guests stay for a few weeks, so make sure to prepare more." We nodded.

"Great!" He smiled. "They are arriving at 12, so make sure it is finished before then." He walked away back in the direction he came, and we finished cleaning.

* * * * *

I spread the tablecloth on the table evenly. Mary and Amelia offered to cook, so that left me with setting up the table for the guests. They were making pizzas, so I placed 10 plates on the table. Romero came by the kitchen earlier and let us know that we were to eat at a separate time to the guests and themselves, also that there would be six guests. Ok? I guess that was fine.

I was setting the glasses down next to each plate when I heard the dining room doors close. I looked up to see Clarke carrying a water jug and another man, who was carrying paper towels.

"Hey." I gave them a smile in greeting and headed over to them. I had yet to meet the man with Clarke.

"Hello, I'm Mattheo, but people call me Theo." I shook his extended hand and gave him a warm smile.

"Leah." He smiled back at me.

"I know." They placed their items on the table and turned to me once more.

"Thanks for saving me the trip back to the kitchen." I thanked. Clarke leaned against the table and Mattheo stood next to her.

"It's no problem. It's the least we can do considering you cook for us." She answered.

"That's my job though," I commented, smiling at her. Her mouth tilted upwards into a small smirk. She opened her mouth to reply, but Mattheo spoke first.

"We better get going. Vlado wants us to be there when he greets the rest of the team." Clarke tried to give him a subtle look, but I caught it. I wonder what that was about.

"Right. Well, see you later then, Leah." They both waved goodbye and walked out of the room. What was that about? They were barely here for longer than a minute. I turned around to finish setting the table, saving my thoughts for later.

Vlado POV

I stood near the front doors with Romero, waiting for the rest of the team as well as Theo and Clarke. I tapped my foot impatiently against the tiled floors.

"Where the hell are they?" I looked to Romero.

"The team? Well, you did tell them to be here at-"

"Not them, Clarke and Theo. I told them to be here when they arrive." I cut him off. At that moment, they turned the corner facing me. I strode toward them angrily, meeting them halfway.

"Finally. What the hell took you so long?" I demanded. Theo avoided my eyes searching for answers.

"We were just talking to Leah, calm down." Clarke rolled her eyes and walked past me. They were talking to Leah? Why would they-she better not have.

"What were you talking about?" I turned to look at Clarke. She didn't look at me as she answered.

"Well, I was about to have a proper conversation with her, but Theo here decided that less than a minute was the perfect amount of time for a chat." She spoke with a smirk in her voice and stood next to Romero. She leaned against him with an elbow on his shoulder and challenged my gaze. My eyes flashed red.

"You better not have-"

"Relax, we didn't talk about anything." I gave her a once-over before I glared at Theo for clarification. When he nodded, I felt myself get a wave of relief. I don't know why I doubted Clarke. She has kept worse secrets from people closer to her, so why wouldn't she keep this one? I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm stressed out." I dragged my hand down my face.

"It's fine, I get it." She shrugged, but I could tell she was upset. She may be good at hiding her emotions, but I'm better. Especially when it comes to reading people. I sighed again and faced the door. I peeked through the door's window and saw two cars park in the driveway.

"Everybody remembers the plan?" I looked behind me. They nodded in unison. I turned back around and straightened my back.

"Alright, let's do this."

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