Chapter 51

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Hello, everyone! I hope this chapter is to everyone's satisfaction, there may only be a few more chapters before the end of this book. That being said, if anyone had any ideas for what they would like to read, please let me know. I would love to hear all of your ideas. Please let me know of any spelling mistakes or confusion, and I hope you enjoy!

Vlado POV

Everything felt so surreal. Leah not only forgave me, but accepted me. She didn't want to leave, and didn't avoid me- somehow it just made us closer. We could be honest with each other.

It still felt like a dream when she took my hand and walked us to my room. With a flick of a switch, Leah turned on the lights before she turned to me. Her eyes were swirling with desire as she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer.

I held back a gasp when her lips slammed onto mine, her nails digging onto my arms. My self control wavered as she walked backwards, dragging me with her.

Her knees gave out as she fell onto the bed and I fall with her. It was getting harder and harder to control myself as her hands travelled over my chest greedily. I pulled every ounce of my restraint together and spoke.

"Leah." My words were muffled by her lips on mine, and she pulled back gently, but I could still feel her lips bump against mine. "I think we should stop."

She sighed but nodded reluctantly, placing her hands on my chest softly as I sat up.

"Sorry." She muttered under her breath when I stood up. I turned around and felt my eyebrows drawing together.


It was her turn to look at me weirdly. "I did something wrong, didn't I?"

The gears in my head began to turn and wind in confusion. Why would she say something like that?

Suddenly, the answer hit me like a ton of bricks.

Her head was down, her hands picked at her fingers. I sat down at the end of the bed and hold her hands in mine."Leah."

She peered up at me carefully before looking back down at our entwined hands. "It's not your fault."

Her eyes whipped up to me. "What?"

"What he did is not your fault."

She scoffed. "I know."

I looked at her knowingly. "Some things people know, but they can't accept."

Leah didn't respond after that. I didn't know what else to say, so I stood with a sigh and walked over to the door. Before I left, I looked at her once more over my shoulder. "I'm going to the kitchen. Do you want anything?"

She shook her head silently. I moved quickly, desperate to get back to Leah as soon as I could.

Ignoring the sloshing and spills of water from my glass, I sped back to my room.

Leah seemed frozen, still in the same spot on my bed from before. My heart swelled for this woman as I sat beside her, offering her the glass. She eyed it warily before taking a small sip.

Poor thing, she looked so shocked. I wonder what was on her mind.

"You're sleeping with me tonight, amore."


Leah POV

When Vlado left for the kitchen, I didn't know how to feel. Relief flooded through when he dropped the topic, but I also felt a bit guilty, because we had just made up, and here I was staying quiet instead talking to him. That's what couples were meant to do.

Wait a second, are we a couple?

Vlado walked in before I could answer the question myself. I didn't talk much after that, I couldn't with my thoughts running haywire. Were we a couple? Or were we just a friends-with-benefits kind of thing?

And it definitely didn't help when Vlado said I was sleeping in his room, with him, in his bed.

Getting ready for bed was a chore. Vlado had a way of making it very distracting, especially when he tore off his shirt and pants, leaving him in a thin pair of boxers.

After getting ready for bed and a small pep talk, I joined him under the covers, and immediately, he pulled me to his chest.

Vlado feel asleep much faster than I thought someone from the Mafia should, but I lay awake. I just couldn't quiet those thoughts from earlier, and it took a lot of convincing to finally open my mouth.

"Vlado, are you awake?" The gentle squeeze around my waist gave me my answer, and I continued. "What are we?"

His voice was scratchy and deep. "What do you mean, amore?" My finger trailed down his chest, drawing over his many tattoos as I search for the right words.

"I mean, we had this weird back and forth before, then we kissed, and now I'm sleeping in your bed." The words come out in a rush, and I feel my cheeks start to heat up but I continue. "I was just wondering because I wouldn't mind something happening–but obviously that's only if you want—"

I yelp as his arms suddenly wind around my waist and lift me up onto his legs. Vlado leaned up against the headboard and stared at me tiredly.

"Are you asking me your boyfriend, Leah?" He sounds tired, but there's something amusing in his voice as he speaks.

"No! No, of course not! I was just confused because I don't know if I should speak to you about everything couples talk about, like personal things and stuff, or where to eat–"

His laugh stops me, and he pulls me against his warm chest, nuzzling his head into my hair. "You are absolutely precious, amore.

"I was hoping to not ask you in the middle of the night, but if it comforts you–" He cleared his throat and turned serious. "Leah Aldaine, will you give me the pleasure of being your boyfriend?"

"Are you sure? I'm not trying to pressure you or anything–"

He cut me off with a kiss, an absolutely mind-numbing kiss that made me grip his shoulders for support. When we finally broke apart, he whispered against my lips. "Leah, nothing would make me happier than you saying yes."

With that, the biggest smile I've ever made fell upon my face. It hurt my cheeks, but I couldn't stop. Instead, I just said–


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