This Is a Starter Village? Part 44

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When the party left Izor's tower this time around, Rydr was largely unmolested by the mage. Urginok was nearly as happy to be away from the eccentric man as Rydr was. 

As if the rooms somehow changed since he last checked them, Hermes spent the short trip down the tower being nosy. The teen rechecked the rooms and even tried the same door handles, which were locked beforehand.

I wonder how long Hermes is going to stay with the party? If we end up too sedentary, he may strike out on his own. 

Rydr couldn't help but marvel at the teen's constant energy. 

Syrna remained quiet for the most part, while Rydr and Urginok caught the other two up on recent events. When the elemental seed was brought up, the archer asked if she could see it.

Urginok gestured at Rydr, who summoned the seed from his inventory and handed it to the blonde.

The group left Izor's tower and began making their way to the Southern tower, hoping that Amos was there. Syrna took her time examining the seed before she passed it back. When Rydr stored it away again, the group was out of the tower and walking down the overgrown street. 

Unfortunately, the number of divers within Grotto still hadn't gone up, so the city was completely overrun with plants. While most of the plant life outside of Grotto was dead thanks to the elemental, the original plant problem inside the city was totally out of hand.

As Rydr looked around, he reaffirmed his goals. Each step would get the Titan closer to dealing with the Mana Wellspring. After they met with the mayor, if it was possible yet, Rydr planned to make a bee-line for the mines once again.

Although the giant picked up a huge sum of ore last time, that was before he researched early forging techniques and materials. Rydr desperately wanted a certain mineral he saw back in the mine. 

The team's gear would be at least [Rare] quality if he could get enough of it and render the substance properly; the team's gear would be at least [Rare] quality. 

Rydr hoped that specialized gear, suited to their combat styles, would give their little group a leg-up over other divers.

And especially guilds.

While the interview was invigorating, Rydr managed to paint a target on his back purposefully. The colossus needed to grow in power to face whatever came to challenge him.

The thought of it made Rydr's heart speed up as they turned the corner to head South. Small bursts of adrenaline sent a cold shock through the Titan's body as he tried to calm himself. Despite his efforts, a huge grin spread across the diver's face.

Rydr facetiously wondered if he was turning into an adrenaline junky. Thus far, only four fights in Frontier Online felt taxing to him.

The first was against the wolf pack, not counting his earlier death. Then there was the battle against Spectre and the pressure from a full raid team. The hopeless fight against the Hobgoblin Warlord. And, finally, Rydr's fight against the Plant Elemental.

If he excluded the giant ball of death, Rydr found his absurd Strength score made elements of the game trivial. Hell, the Titan had to willingly lie down in the bed of thorns to let the elemental drag his avatar away.

Numbers were still a threat to him, for now. Rydr decided that, aside from defending Grotto, his team needed to use their downtime to pursue their fighting styles further.

The Titan's interactions with other divers was minimal at best, so he had no idea how they were progressing. If he had to guess, Rydr supposed they were still using standard progression metas (AN: meta= popular/current game logic).

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