Chapter 18 - Fate of the World

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Pepper led us into a large office as I dragged Tony and Peter the doors clicked shut behind us. Pepper took a seat behind a large desk motioning for us to have a seat. I shoved Tony into a chair glaring at him to make a sound as I took my seat with Peter on my right.

Pepper cleared her throat crossing her legs "Now Miss Jones I believe that you mentioned some important business regarding Tony and Peter."

"Yes I guess I do but it's a long story." I smiled shyly. I didn't like this for so long I fought this battle alone but now they have forced the involvement of the few people I care about.

Tony grinned as he whipped out his phone and pulled up a hologram "Well you better get talking about it starting with how you start with how these two are."

Peter fidgeted beside me I could feel his foot tapping against the floor "Miss Layla aren't those the two men from the picture is your apartment."

Rubbing my hand across my face I let out a long groan "Those would be my two older brothers Logan and Victor. Logan isn't the one you should be considered about unless you piss him off. It Victor who's going to be a pain in our ass. He's broken and desperate with nothing to lose. He will not stop at nothing to accomplish his goal."

"Brother?! OLDER?!!" Tony splutters, whipping his head between me and the picture "You have older brothers. Exactly how old are your brothers? Do they light up like a christmas tree like you or do they have their own powers..."

"Tony!" Pepper snapped, silencing her soulmates rant "Please continue Layla ."

I nodded slowly "Logan and Victor were born in the 1800's they fought for the Union during the Civil War we met in 1892 after that we fought wars alongside each other. Each of us earned names Logan was Wolverine, Victor was Sabertooth, and I was Reaper. It was amazing at first the adrenaline and recklessness that came with immortality was addictive. But Logan tried to make us see the reason that this wasn't something to take lightly. All those people we killed began to change us. All those years of watching the world change took its toll. My brothers became cut off from the world more animal than man."

"What happened to them? To your brothers. Where are they now?" Peter whispered

A sad smile pulled at the edges of my lips "Logan is happy in his own way. But Victor won't let go, many years Victor lost the love of his life in the influenza pandemic. His soulmate Anna was pregnant with his baby when she got sick she was too weak to fight and passed away. After Victor became cold, desperately searching for a way to bring her back, people made promises to him and used his desperation to accomplish their own goals. For the last eighty years I have been hunted by an occult organization. They have recruited Victor to collect me and the power source I stole from them. Victor is coming for Peter; he believes that he can use Peter to get to me and the power source."

Tony nodded allow processing everything I have told him "Thats why you had Peter come with me you needed me to protect him."

I nodded "Yes, Victor is coming and if he succeeds the fate of the world is at stake."

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