Chapter 31 - FRIDAY Sass Queen

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Tony Stark angrily typed commands into the tablet as he tried to hack the lock down. Fury was calling SHIELD trying to track Layla's movements with no success. Natasha and Bruce were trying to keep Steve calm as he desperately searched for his mates through their bond. Even though their bonds would not be complete until their first kiss Steve could feel the rage and determination flowing from it.

"God damn it!" Stark's sudden outburst drew everyone's attention as he raged at the ceiling "Let us out of here Friday!"

Sam could have sworn he heard the AI sigh "Sorry boss but as your guardian Miss Jones was able to install a proctol into my programming that she could activate if she believed your safety was at risk. She called it the 'Tony is an idiot' protocol. Miss Jones set the protocol to end after 5 hours"

The room suddenly became so quiet you could hear a pin drop as everyone just stared at Stark. Bruce and Natasha shared a worried glance. Very few people knew that Maria and Howard Stark had made Layla Tony's godmother when he was born. Because of her immortality Layla was always there for Tony even when he didn't want her there watching over him through the years.

"As Miss Jones always said Boss' ' The AI quipped as Layla's voice suddenly filtered from the ceiling as a security recording appeared on the large TV screen. Tony and Layla were sitting on an island in the kitchen drinking with a bottle between them.

They raised their glasses in a cheer before knocking back the alcohol. Layla raised an accusing finger at Stark her words slightly slurred 'I'm older than you Stark and you know with age is wisdom which means I know best'

Stark scoffed, snapping back "That's not true Friday Cupcake is more irresponsible than me."

"Noted Boss but Miss Jones knows she will always survive you don't"

Clint choked on his snacks "Burnnnnn" he quickly ducked as Tony threw his tablet at the archer.

Grabbing another tablet from god knows where Stark returned to his mindless typing.

Fury huffed in irritation jamming his phone back into his coat he had not planned on spending the last four hours trapped in a tower with a bunch of children. His agents had lost sight of Jones after she had made a stop and her apartment then disappeared. Fury was pissed Layla had challenged him and he didn't like to be challenged "Why in the hell was SHIELD never aware of your affiliations with Layla Jones?"

Stark shrugged completely unfazed by the glare Fury was sending him "Howard never thought to make it public not a lot of people ever knew."

Poor Stevie was so confused about what was happening. All these years Layla had been so close but their paths had never crossed. According to the files she had fought in WWll, been friends with Howard then Tony, she was close with Peter, and now she was apparently Tony's godmother. How the hell had he never found her before this.

Sam chuckled, crossing his arms across his chest "Finally someone SHIELD doesn't have every bit of information on. I am really starting to like this chick."

"Mr. Stark, the gem Miss Jones carries, how did she come into possession of it?" Vision reflected he could not stop thinking of the golden gem since he had placed it back into the containment box.

Stark glanced up briefly "I don't know. She told me that she had stolen it when doing a prison break from these right hand guys"

"The White Hand?" Fury snapped like a caged animal when Stark ignored him.


Stark's head jerked up fast when Bruce yelled at him "What? Oh yeah she said White Hand or whatever"

Steve glared at Fury "You know them?"

Fury nodded, "The White Hand, been hearing whispers about them for a while. Nasty sons of bitches. Similar to Hydra they formed as a rogue faction of Third Reich during WWll. Unlike Hydra whose mission is to control the world by taking away freedom, the White Hand wants to change history to change the present. But they vanished about eighty years ago."

Stark's tablet suddenly lost all interest "Mhm we're talking about time travel. Tweaking the past to change the future...Right? How would that even work?"

"The stone Miss Jones carries is an infinity stone. With its power and the right person one could theoretically time travel."

Well Shit!

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