Chapter Four

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So sitting there at the Cameron's dining table, expecting Rafe to walk in anytime now, didn't have me exactly ecstatic.

           There wasn't any drama between us, there wasn't actually anything between us. The morning after our kiss Rafe left for college as planned.

There was no sadness or lost romance vibes. It felt normal. He kissed my cheek when he hugged me and winked at me. That was probably the only big difference there was. I guess neither of us had the time to process it or maybe even remember it?

It did bug me slightly that maybe Rafe didn't remember what happened. It was unlike him though because he's always drunk and has an unbeatable tolerance, so he never really is that trashed.

He's always the one who can recount all the events of a night out when the rest of us are too trashed to. But I didn't know if Rafe got especially shit faced since it was his last night and he actually couldn't remember anything.

I try not to think about that because it upset me too much. It's not a big deal though! it really isn't. We always get drunk and occasionally kiss people at parties. This wasn't any different. But I hated that it was different to me, it was Rafe.

The sound of a car pulling up shakes me out of my thoughts. Rose and Wheezy both get out of their seats super excited.

  "Oh great, King Kook is back." Sarah groans. "Sarah COME!" Rose screams. Sarah groans again and we both get up together.

We walk towards the entrance of the house and there he is. Rafe gets out of the car with Ward with a backpack over his shoulder. He looks, even better somehow.

His hair is slightly longer and he's gotten fitter. His arms are so much bigger and he almost looks taller. I catch myself dreaming about him and his body in the moment. I've never looked at him this way before. I can't believe I was fantasizing about Rafe. He hugs Rose and squeezes Wheezy.

He walks towards Sarah and I with a huge smile on his face. Why is my heart racing?

He slaps Sarah over the head and then pulls her into a hug. "Yeah that's enough, you weren't gone for that long," Sarah says as she pushes him away. "Hey Ev," He says looking at me.

  "It's back!" I say as I hop off the step and hug him. He wraps his arms around me and I try not to picture this other time he did that.

  He pulls away and smiles at all of us. "It's good to be back," He says as Ward pats him on the back. We all head back inside to have breakfast.

After breakfast Topper and Kelce pick us up and we head to the Country Club. Both of them were ecstatic about seeing Rafe again. Sarah tells John B and the rest of them to meet us there.

Once everyone is together again it feels like another amazing summer. I was happy Rafe was back, it felt more complete. The whole lot of us were seated at one of the massive sectionals on the deck at the Country Club.

We were sharing some snacks and beers. Because of the icky taste beer gave me, I was having an apple cider instead and Topper was making fun of me because of it. "Okay Rafe now you've gotta tell us, the girls out of obx. At Penn State..." Kelce begins and the boys all roar with laughter.

           "Yeah what's it like up there at Penis State?" JJ asks and everyone laughs uncontrollably. Rafe especially is laughing. Sarah and Kiara roll their eyes. "Bro I cannot wait to be out there with you next year, all I want is a girl from out of state." Topper groans.

  "Bro Im telling you this year will fly by and I'll have my wingman with me again." Rafe laughs and him and Topper begin hooting.

  "Shushhh." Kiara says as she notices how much noise we all making. "Hey you don't shush Mr Country Club at the mother fucking Country Club okay?" Kelce pipes up. Somehow he has already taken too many beers to the head.

The boys start hooting some more and hyping Rafe up. John B and JJ begin drumming on the table. "That's right baby!" Rafe says as he stands up on the couch he's seated on. "I'M BACK BITCHES" he screams as he chugs his beer and all the other guys howl along with him.

They are hilarious but so immature. Once they settle back down Kelce asks an important question. "Alright, in all seriousness Rafe tell us. What's your body count like now that you're back?" He asks and the other boys all laugh along.

I swallow a little hard. Rafe smiles and shakes his head. "Come on tell us, tell us" They all beg. "I don't know man, I don't know." Rafe mumbles as he smirks.

"Rafe fucking lost count of his body count!!" JJ laughs and everyone else does too. The idea of Rafe losing his body count whilst at college doesn't seem odd to me, it seems exactly like Rafe but it bothered me and I didn't want it to.

"That is SO gross can we talk about anything else?" Sarah groans and we laugh. I notice him make eye contact with me a for a few seconds.

He smirks at me and I smirk back. We hang out at the Country Club for the rest of the day before everyone gets too tired and the Club is about ready to kick us out for all the noise we're making.

"Alright who's house are we heading to?" Pope asks as we stand in the car park of the Club. "Well now that Rafe is back I don't see any other place to go," Topper says.

"Wow let's not pretend that you guys haven't been crashing there in his room every night since he's been gone," Sarah pipes up as John B wraps his arms around her.

The boys all start denying it and Rafe laughs. "It's fine you guys, my place is for tomorrow for the big welcome back party." Rafe says.

  Everyone starts howling about this as well. Rafe was throwing the wildest party ever at his tomorrow. The drinking games we're going to be unheard of. Sarah and I had an extensive shopping list to get to tomorrow before the party.

"Where are we going now?" Kelce asks. "Mine is the closest, let's go." I say. "No actually mines the closest!" JJ pipes up and we all laugh. We'd be half across the cut to get to JJ's.

We all head into the vehicles we came in. My house was exactly a two minute walk from the Country Club, something my dad absolutely forced our realtor to ensure when we bought it.

We're there in less than a minute and we all spill out of the vehicles we're in. We make our way up to the rooftop deck and play some music.

  It's already 2am so I keep reminding them to keep it down, which goes to no use at all. Topper and me sneak downstairs to get some bottles from the bar.

Once we're back upstairs everyone howls again at the sight of the alcohol. Rafe and Pope pour everyone drinks and I walk up to them to get mine. I lean onto the counter which Rafe is behind.

He looks up at me and smiles as he pours me a drink. He then looks up at me and smirks, before handing me my drink he says, "Tequila?"

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