Chapter Six

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By nine-thirty the party is absolutely "raging". JJ announces this every five minutes. "The Rage" is clearly something that's going to stick around. We're all getting extremely wasted, extremely quickly.

There's too many people at this party, Rafe had invited the whole town out. Regardless of how big the Cameron's house was, the place was getting so cramped and sweaty.

I was sat with Kie, John B, Sarah, Pope, JJ and Kelce. All cramped onto one of the outdoor sofas. We were all seated elbow to elbow, knee to knee. Sarah and John B were doing us the honor of saving space by sitting on each other's lap.

Pope brings us all another shot and just before we take it Topper shows up. "Fina-fucking-ly!" JJ screams as he sees him.

Topper laughs and runs up to the group. "Sorry I'm still hungover." Topper says as he denies the drink Pope gives him. "Don't be a pussy man, take it." John B says and everyone begins chanting with him. "Fuck it, I'll catch up." Topper says as he takes my shot, Sarah's, Pope's and John B's, all at once.

The chaotic drunk energy Topper brought to the group was unmatched. We all howl and Topper looks like he's already about to throw up.

He moves closer to me and makes me get up and sit on his lap. "Fuck you guys, my liver won't survive this summer." He groans.

"Well it's a good thing we're not here for long time, only a good time." JJ cheers and we all laugh. "This party is absolutely raging, where's Rafe?" Topper asks and lightly pokes my side. I groan. "Busy hosting everyone in town I guess." Kie laughs.

JJ lights up a joint and sends it around. We're all talking about some type of gossip and drama when Pope passes Topper the joint and it accidentally falls on my lap, lightly burning my thigh.

"Oh fucking shit." Topper screams as I shriek in pain. "Ev I am so so so fucking sorry," Pope beings apologizing as I grab my thigh to stop the pain. Topper rubs my thigh lightly while apologizing as well.

"Wait wait wait let me fix it." A very drunk JJ says as he pours his beer into my lap. "JJ!" Kie and Sarah scream at the same time.

Topper and I get up and I laugh it off. After reassuring them it's fine for the millionth time, Topper and I head inside to go wash it off, mainly the beer.

He leads me in through the raging crowd and holds my waist. We walk up to the bathroom adjacent to the den, as we're about to enter the den door opens slightly because someone leaves and I get a glimpse of the inside.

Rafe and some other guys I've never seen before were around the coffee table in the room. I watch as Rafe stoops low and snorts a white trail of powder that's on the table.

The credit cards and little white bags tell me enough about what's going on in there. Just before the den door is closed I notice Rafe look up, wipe his nose and make eye contact with me.

Topper ushers me into the bathroom. I take a seat on the sink as Topper runs the tap and grab a towel. The burn mark is really tiny and not something to be fussed over at all.

I'm too fussed by what I just saw. I always knew Rafe was stupid enough to do coke and other hard drugs. I just never cared or knew enough about it. Of course he was my friend and I wanted to look out for him but Rafe wasn't the type of person you could exactly look out for.

If it was Topper or anyone of the other guys doing coke, I would talk to them about it and try to talk some sense into them.

But Rafe was different. None of us ever told him what to do, he was older than us and it just seemed like he'd never bother listening.

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