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Clay's POV

I really disliked this day since I was feeling on edge the whole day. I managed to keep my blood sugar alright, but I was just mad and irritated at everything happening around me. I didn't have a single regret for beating Josh up, I would do it five times over if I could protect George with it.

George and I were walking to his place. He was extremely excited about the project which made me happy to see. He was full of ideas and I just let him talk about it as I listened in silence.

'Sounds good,' I said with a smile.

George nodded and looked at me. 'Are you okay? You're pale.'

I shrugged. 'I've just not been feeling great today.'

'Is your blood sugar not okay?'

'It seemed fine, but I'm just not feeling well.'

'You should prick again to make sure if it's alright.'

'Okay, I'll do that when we are at your place,' I muttered. I was just really tired and felt unwell, I wouldn't be able to tell why I was feeling like this if my blood sugar wasn't too low or high. I was I incredibly thirsty and my head was pounding. I had peed over seven times at school and my mouth was still dry after everything I drank.

We went to George's place and once we arrived, I pricked my finger to check my blood sugar. I waited for the result and nodded slowly as I saw the 12,1 show up.

George looked over and nodded. 'It's too high, come drink a lot of water.'

I nodded slowly, feeling really weak as I curled up on the couch. I closed my eyes, but George made me sit back up. 'Drink something and take your insulin. Do you know why it's too high?'

I shrugged and drank from a bottle of water as I closed my eyes again.

'Clay, look at me. You're going to inject some insulin, okay?'

I nodded slowly and George grabbed my bag, preparing my insulin. 'How much?'

'Two and then check again.' I was too tired to look up and George lifted my shirt, grabbing a bit of the fat on my stomach to inject the insulin. I just let him do it since he seemed to know what he was doing and drank some more water. 'I'm nauseous.'

'Do you think you need to throw up?'

I shrugged and curled myself up. George knelt down next to the couch and let me hold his hand.

'You're going to be okay,' he said. 'Do you want more water?'

I nodded and George handed me another bottle of water. I drank more of it and lifted myself up. 'I need to pee.'

'Are you safe enough to go?'

I shook my head and laid back down, closing my eyes again. George just let me lay down for a bit, but I sat back up after five minutes. 'I really need to pee.'

'I'll walk you there.'

I nodded slowly and George held me tightly as we walked to the toilet. He let go of me and stood in front of the door, waiting for me. When I was done, he helped me get back and I laid down.

'Where are your parents?'

'My dad is working and my mother is at the store,' George said. 'She has been googling about diabetes and what you can and can't eat.'

I smiled. 'I'm very tired, I'm sorry that I'm not energetic and happy.'

'Don't worry, I'm here with you. I understand that you aren't energetic right now. The insulin will work soon.'

I nodded slowly and sighed. 'I hate feeling like this.'

'I get that. I don't know what you're going through, but I can see that you're feeling very unwell. Do you have any idea why it's this high?'

'The whole day my eating schedule has been messed up. I think that's it. I wish I wouldn't have diabetes.'

'I understand, I wish I could take it away from you,' George said as he ran his hand through my hair.

I laid on the couch for twenty more minutes and started to feel a bit better. I pricked my finger again and smiled as I saw it had gone down to a normal amount.

'I'm very tired now, but I feel better.'

'That's good,' George said as he sat down next to me and held my hand.

'Thank you for injecting my insulin.'

'Of course, that's no problem. I watched videos about it yesterday so if a situation like this would happen, I would know what to do.'

'Thank you.'

'You did the same for me, Clay. You shouldn't be thanking me.'

I smiled. 'George, I have a question. I just saw there's an epic movie in the cinema tomorrow and since it's Saturday then, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.'

George smiled. 'I would love to. What time is it?'

'It's playing all day, so you can choose whatever time you prefer.'

'Maybe around two? I don't really mind, do you still have to buy the tickets? Because if so, I'll give you some money for my ticket.'

'No!' I shouted. 'I want to pay.'

George giggled and I saw he was a little bit flustered. 'A true gentleman, I see.'

I grinned. 'I'm a real gentleman, of course. If that works for getting girls, I'm sure it works for boys too.'

George smiled shyly. 'I think it does,' he said with heated up cheeks.

I giggled and pinched his cheeks. 'You're cute when you're flustered.'

'Shut up,' George said as he hid his face.

'Be prepared, my blood sugar is good again. I can run a marathon. I probably can't, because I'm exhausted, but I'm back in business.'

George laughed and rolled his eyes. 'What do you want to do today?'

'We can do whatever you like,' I answered with a smile.

'I like gaming, if I'm honest,' George muttered shyly. 'We can do that?'

'I love gaming, I'm down. I have my laptop so we can play together.'

George smiled as we went upstairs to his room. We waited for everything to load and then started playing Minecraft while having a lot of fun.

1045 words

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