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Being a zombie fanatic has its downfall moments.

Either that, or maybe I watched way too many horror movies for my own good. It was said that I was a freak, and it might have resulted someone running around with a bloody nose.

At the time I was innocent and very, very ticked off by the littlest things people would say to me. But that specific word — freak — just really gets to me so much. I don't know. It might've been just a word but to me it was a slap in the face.

I just didn't like to be classified as one.

So I punched someone in the face because really, he asked for it. He said he wasn't finished with me and I told him to go die in a ditch.

When I heard a pebble hit my window pane, the first person I thought of, was the dude I had punched today at school. My head snapped to the direction of the window, cursing whatever entity that was out to get me.

Also, I was very angry and told him I'd be waiting for him. But that was only my anger talking. I didn't actually mean it. I wrapped my hand tighter around the soft quilt and pulled it toward my chest for security purposes.

My room was dark, the only source of light was my laptop sitting on my bed. I raised the volume up because I wasn't about to be a clichè character in a movie and ask, 'who's that?'

Not even a few seconds later another pebble hit my window. This time I ducked under the quilt, silently praying to whomever was listening to me. I might or might not have apologized for punching someone. And downloading shit illegally.

My brother's room was right across from mine so I could just bolt out of my bedroom into his. He'd probably just mumble under his breath and go back to sleep.

I was just tripping on my insuition and telling myself over in my head that it was late and that I should probably go to bed.

My suspicions might be true that there was someone looking for me and I might just yell for no reason. Point being said; I was having an episode.

If this was it, at least I'd have been good to my friends and family. Well, not completely but the good counts more than the bad, right?

I had enough when another pebble hit my window, I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly got out of the comfort of my warm bed. A difficult task for me considering how comfortable I was. And scared.

Throwing my quilt over my body, I swung my legs out and planted my feet on the wooden floor. The feel was cold beneath my feet as my made my way to the window. My heart pounded a thousand times faster than it should've. I peeked through the blinds, and cursed under my breath.

Of course it had to be satan out of all people. He had me planning my death. What was wrong with him?

Liam's eyebrows were furrowed and he had a crease on his forehead that indicated he was impatient.

What was he doing here in the middle of the night? He could get killed — not that I cared anyway because it would've been less drama in my life.

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now