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"I don't think I'm going to prom."

Maya said this with a huge hat on her head, sunglasses on to protect her eyes from the blazing sun, and a gorgeous green swimsuit sticking to her body like a glove.

Lilly groaned next to me on my right as she propped herself onto the elbows. "You're going, Maya," she said in a stern voice as she pushed her sunglasses up her nose. "We've had this conversation before and I'm not going to repeat myself."

Maybe Maya was right. I was beginning to realize I wasn't good enough for these people, and I deserved better. To be honest, I didn't have a date to prom. I was thinking of asking Adam...

Despite my inner conflict, and hypocrisy, I had to agree with Lilly. I nodded my head. "I agree with Lilly. This is our senior year and we're going to nail it. Fuck what those losers think. We're making this year, a year to remember."

Lilly snapped her fingers, but Maya didn't look convinced. She just nodded her head with her gaze on the blue water that glistened under the sun.

"Wow you guys are so motivational," Maya said, sarcasm laced on her tongue, "don't worry. We'll go to prom and live happily ever after."

The hairs in my ears detected a vibration, as Maya sighed and leaned back into the beach chair looking up into the sky. "No need to sound so enthusiastic about it," Lilly giggled holding her hand in front of her mouth. "It's sad how time actually flies. It feels like we've been in sophomore just yesterday."

I nodded my head and eyed the blue water in the pool as tiny sparkles reflected from the sunlight blazing from above. "We totally kicked ass. We were so scared of the seniors though!"

Maya laughed. "Yeah, I remember being stuffed in the closet with you guys. But look at us now; all grown."

"The only person grown here, is me," I said as Lilly whistled, and Maya rolled her eyes. "I feel like Lilly is the weakest in our group — emotionally speaking anyway."

"Hey I should take offense to that!" Lilly said slapping me on my bare skin causing me to flinch.

Maya slid her glasses down her nose and looked at us. "He's right you know," she agreed, Lilly opened her mouth to argue when Maya added, "then why aren't you over of what happened between you and Josh?"

The mention of his name alone made her shut her mouth, and  she looked away from us. There was no truth to tell though because everyone knew how he treated her. Or maybe that's what she kept telling herself.

After a short moment of thinking, she found the courage to look at us, she said, "I loved him with all my heart, but that was then. I've moved on and I'm doing better and I don't wanna talk about it."

It was a touchy subject and we knew that, but we kept digging for more information because we know how she can bottle her emotions up. The topic just brought unnecessary flashbacks that she probably wanted to forget.

Maya lowered her glasses again to meet Lilly's gaze. "We know, but we don't know the entire truth. Look, I know this may be hard for you, but you should know that we'd always be here for you. And although we know you're not, like the —" she used her fingers for quotation marks "—'expressing your feelings' type of girl, we'll always be here for you."

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