Chapter 4 - mighty sheddar

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They arrived at the mighty sheddar temple, and headed inside

"Hello Mighty sheddar its me tasha"

"Tasha hello I see you have brought company 🧑‍🦰"

"I have, this is Pablo, Tyrone, horny, zaddy, Lima, Lewis and Niall"

"Did you say... niall....?...."


"Thats an Irish name 🧑‍🦰"

"It is" niall spoked

"Do you perhaps play the fiddle?"

"No but I play the guitar 🧍‍♂️"

"That shall do, will you be my pretty little Galway girl 🧑‍🦰?"

"Im a boy but okay 🤪"

The two made out.

"Didn't we come here for something other than this tho??" Zayn asked

"Yeah" Liam spoke throwing Louis at the shagging men



"Stfu Neil, sheddar can you sort Louis, he got bit by a raccoon called Edward and he turned into one too" Harry 🙄ed

"Oh, he just needs to get bitten by a human 🧑‍🦰👍"

"Kinky 😏"

"Horton hes a raccoon rn that's beastiality 😐" zaddy sighed

"Oh well 🧍‍♂️"

Horny walked over to the snarling? Raccoon and grabbed it, before biting its neck.

"Eww fluffy"

Everyone watched as Louis turned human again

"what the fu- 🚒, how are you still wearing that hateful tracksuit" harry cried

The end

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